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Alexa didn't expected his kiss even though it was right there between them, waiting hungrily.

She also didn't expect his hands, so rough and hard before, to hold her face so gently. She didn't anticipate the furrow of his brows, almost as if he was in pain. She tilted her head to kiss him back, wanting this, needing this so badly. The world turned around them, blurring and disappearing. She had to hold onto his wrists to keep from slipping away with it, gasping at the sensation that came roaring to life inside her.

Her lips parted with that gasp, and Jungkook, with a growl of pure want, kissed her again, this time harder and more passionately.

The kiss began to get more heated as he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him. His hands wandered to her back as she grasped. He took that as a good opportunity to slip his tongue in. He slid his hands down her arms and held her hands before he pulled away, both red and panting heavily from the unexpected make-out session.

Jungkook closed his eyes, his mouth inches away from Alexa's as he let out a deep chuckle. She could feel the coldness of his lip piercing on her lip. His fingers went up and through her soft black hair, before he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

Alexa could see his chest moving just as hard as hers was. He looked down at her and she watched as his eyes went right to her mouth. Then-almost as if she were made of eggshells, he lowered his mouth to hers and just rested it there. Jungkook didn't care if they just stayed like that all night and never even moved their mouths, it was everything.

She turns away and when she turns back again she's smiling at him and for a second he thinks they might both be thinking the same thing. But he's wrong, of course, so wrong, because he was thinking about how he's, like, the luckiest guy on the planet right now and she-

She puts her hand on his strong chest and slightly puts distance between them as she says, softly: "We can't do this."

That knocks the wind out of him. He drops his arms from around her waist and take a sudden, uncertain step backward.

She cringes, covers her face with both hands. "I don't -wow- I don't mean that I don't want this." She shakes her head, hard. "I just mean I don't- I just can't do this to him."

"To whom?" He asks, still wounded.

"Jimin," she says, and gestures between them. "I don't, like, just go around kissing other guys while I'm in a relationship, especially you as his best friend. This is wrong."

For a moment, Jungkook could feel his heart literally shattering in tiny pieces. How was it possible to be so close to be with the girl you love, but at the same time so far away from it.

He nods, blinking hard to suppress the tears. "I understand it, he's your-" Jungkook couldn't do it. He couldn't say the word "boyfriend" out loud. He knew how unfair life was to let a girl like Alexa cross paths with a guy like Jimin. And there was nothing he could do to change it.

"Gosh, I just made a fool of myself," he covered his face with his palms, laughing.

"No," Alexa softly removed his hands. "Please don't misunderstand my words. You're a great guy Jungkook and it's not that I don't want this. I'm telling you that I can't do it right now while I'm still with Jimin."

New hope started flickering inside him. "So you want me too?" He mumbled.

She found it endearing how much Jungkook wanted her to want him too. But she couldn't say yes to him just now.

Her mind was a mess. Yes, it was true that she developed some feelings for this man in the past couple months, but there was still Jimin.

She loved him, no matter that he sometimes could be so toxic to her. She wished more than anyone else that there could be a switch in where she could just turn off her feelings for him, but she couldn't. Reality was much more complicated and brutal.

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