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Jimin had always believed that he had already endured the most devastating heartbreak of his life.

This conviction was rooted in a heart-wrenching experience that unfolded during his formative college years, a time when he was deeply and blissfully in love with his girlfriend—a relationship that spanned a seemingly idyllic two years. In his eyes, they shared a bond that was nothing short of perfect, until the day he stumbled upon the shattering truth that she had been unfaithful with one of her friends, she told him not to worry about. He felt betrayed, humiliated, and shattered.

As if the initial shock wasn't debilitating enough, the situation took a turn for the worse when she decided to end their relationship. Without hesitation, she made her new relationship public with the very friend she had cheated with, parading their newfound romance without a hint of discretion. This blatant display of affection was something Jimin was forced to confront on a daily basis. Given that they all shared the same academic classes and social circles, there was no respite from the constant reminder of their happiness—a stark contrast to his own inner turmoil. Despite his best efforts to steer clear of their presence, the task proved to be an impossible feat. It was as though he was ensnared in an inescapable nightmare, one that offered no exit.

Jimin found himself grappling with a barrage of questions that targeted the very foundation of their relationship. He couldn't fathom how she could so callously discard the love they had nurtured, how she could inflict such profound pain with what seemed like ease. He turned the blame inward, questioning whether his actions, or lack thereof, had somehow contributed to the outcome. Had he been inadequate in some way? Had his love fallen short of what was needed? These self-doubts spiraled into a broader skepticism about the very possibility of trust, love, and healing in the future.

It was perhaps in the depths of this agony that the seeds of his trust issues were sown. A newfound wariness took hold of him, particularly towards women. He made the conscious decision to shut his heart away, fearful of enduring another emotional blow. Protective walls were erected around his psyche, creating a barrier that kept others at arm's length. He became a master at concealing his true emotions, never allowing anyone the opportunity to peer into his vulnerabilities or gain intimate access to his life.

In his mind, these measures were a form of self-preservation, yet they also served to isolate him from the world. He convinced himself that he was managing the pain, but in reality, he was silently suffering. He believed he had moved past the heartbreak, yet it lingered, unresolved. He thought he had come to understand the true nature of heartbreak, but he was mistaken.

That realization became painfully clear only now.

Because the betrayal he experienced at the hands of Alexa was of a magnitude far greater than anything he had previously encountered.

This was the very scenario he had dreaded—Alexa being unfaithful to him. It was the reason behind his possessive attempts to control her every move. However, the sheer evilness of her actions—marrying his best friend while he was dutifully serving in the military—was a level of evilness that Jimin could never have anticipated.

The betrayal was so deep that it felt like a physical wound, and Jimin could not help but feel like he had lost a part of himself. The world around him seemed to be moving in slow motion, and he could not shake off the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare. The pain was so intense that he could barely breathe. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of emotions, and he did not know how to swim. The only thing that he knew for sure was that he would never be the same again.

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