Chapter thirty-two

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They arrived at the resort three hours later. There was activity, people going about their business. The sun was out and bright, making it unbearably hot. When they went to check in, Rolus was sweating, and he was exhausted. He was the one who drove, so it was justified that he sat on the couch in the foyer, while Luke took care of all the admin.

The resort itself was breathtaking. Rolus felt warmed that Luke did the gesture for him, for them. He hoped at least that they were going to consummate their bond. He could only hope. He saw that Luke was not really ready to take that step with him. He was trying, of course, but he could only try so much. The kiss Luke gave him was him trying.


"I'm going to the shops to buy appropriate clothing. Are you going with me?" Luke asked after they had unpacked their clothes that Luke bought. Luke had bought only formal clothing, so it was inappropriate for the stiffening weather of the resort.

Rolus was sprawled on the bed. He shook his head. He just needed to rest.

"Alright. I'll be back." Luke came over to peck his forehead, then ruffled his hair. Before he could register, Luke was gone.

The change in Luke was a welcome surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. Rolus felt himself smile, his heart beating with excitement.

Rolus thought he would sleep, but the sleep never came. So, he got off the bed, then wore his shoes. He grabbed his key card, then exited their room. He went to explore the resort.

He found one of the workers, who was willing to give him a tour. Rolus took note of all the fun activities he could do with Luke. There was a spa, swimming pool, hiking spot, the best sunsets, and there was a lake that was secluded. You had to pay for a private time. The lake sounded like a perfect spot to turn into their wolves and have a run. It's been a while since he's changed into his wolf. He was sure Luke would join. The worker promised that there was no one to disturb them if they were to book the lake.

When he tired himself out with the tour, he thought it best to return back to their room.

The sleep came easier this time.

The next time he woke up, Luke was back. He was sitting on the couch, typing something on his phone. He had a frown, and Rolus could feel his distress through the bond.

In turn, it made him stress. He sat up on the bed, then leaned against the headboard. Luke looked up when he heard the bed move.

The frown was instantly replaced by a small smile, but Rolus could still feel the distress through the bond. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Luke shook his head, standing. He came over to Rolus and sat beside him. "Everything's fine."

Rolus nodded, but then had to ask, "Who were you talking to?" He felt Luke's irritation through the bond. As much as the bond was great, it was annoying at times. He didn't need to know Luke's every emotion. It was going to stress him.

"No one important."

Rolus nodded. "Is this how we're going to start our relationship? With lies?"

Luke sighed. "It was Perez."

Jealousy coursed through Rolus. "About?"

Luke glared at him. "Really?"

"Can't help myself," he replied. The bond was too much now. It was making him clingy and needy and annoying.

"What happened to your immense self control?"

"That was before we marked." He subconsciously rubbed his chest, some sort of discomfort attacking him. He guessed it was because of their argument. Now he felt the need to apologize just so they could stop their arguing. "I'm sorry. I won't ask again."

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