His hand retreated as his gaze flickered up to meet mine, and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. But seriously, why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Again, to avoid awkward situations like this one. Though I've been doing a pretty shitty job of keeping it hidden."

His brows furrowed in confusion before he finally put two and two together, and he seemed less than pleased as he cursed under his breath.

"Jisung's been helping you cover it with makeup, right?"

I blinked, rather conflicted on how to respond. I hated lying to the older, but he didn't seem very happy, and I didn't want to throw Jisung under the bus. He seemed to notice my hesitance as his gaze softened, and he sighed.

"Well, let's go find him. I certainly don't know enough about makeup to help you myself." He turned on his heel before making his way to my door, and Seungmin shrugged before following. I rushed to catch up with them as they entered the hallway, and I closed the door behind me before hurrying after the duo.

"So why were you in my room?" Once I got close I squeezed my way in between them, and I smiled happily as I locked both of my arms in theirs. They allowed me to, not at all bothered by my sudden clinginess as we made our way towards Jisung's room.

"We're going to the mall to get Chan a computer, and we thought you would want to join us so you could do some clothes shopping." I immediately brightened at Seungmin's words, though the way his expression dropped made mine quickly do the same. "And before you ask, I can't give him any of mine."

Oh. He's probably not used to people understanding his obsession with computers. For most it would make sense for him to simply lend Chan one from his collection, but it was clear to anyone who saw the way he treated his computers that he cherished each and every one.

"Well, of course not. Your entire career centers around computers. You need all forty eight of them."

Despite the way his shoulders relaxed he still raised a brow at me. "How do you know how many I have? You've only been in my room once."

"It doesn't take multiple days to count to forty eight. But I'm curious." They both eyed me from their peripheral, pace slowing slightly as we grew closer to Jisung's door. "Are you sure you want me out of the house?"

"You leave the house all the time, though."

"Yeah, but never with permission. This will be the first time I leave the house without having to sneak back in!" They both seemed unimpressed by my enthusiasm, but whatever response they were going to offer got interrupted when I disconnected my arms from theirs in order to knock on the squirrel's door.

"Door's unlocked."

I took that as an invitation as I opened the door and let myself in, the Chanmin duo following close behind.

Jisung brightened when he saw me, but his expression ever so slowly fell when he noticed the Chanmin duo, as well as the look Chan was giving him. "Why didn't you tell us Hyunjin's neck was bruised?"

The comic book Jisung was reading was forgotten as he shrunk into his mattress, a sheepish smile dancing on his lips as he cowered away from the clearly disappointed leader. "You never asked?" Even for me that excuse was shitty, and I snorted before playfully slapping Chan's arm.

"Don't scare the squirrel. I've heard they're skittish." Jisung's discomfort was forgotten as he gave me an unamused look, and I smiled innocently before plopping onto his makeup chair. "Now are you gonna fix me, or what?"

He begrudgingly left the safe confines of his bed before trudging his way towards me, and he began to pull out different beauty products as the Chanmin duo took a seat on his vacated bed.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now