Chapter 161 - Righteous People

Start from the beginning

She glanced at Yuan Jue with a smile, her eyes sparkling, and the light from the whole room instantly flooded into her eyes.

In that instant, this didn't seem to be the royal city of Gaochang in the heart of the desert, but the magnificent palace of Chang'an, thousands of miles away, where all countries bowed and paid tribute.

Yuanjue was dumbfounded as he looked at Li Yao Ying, his jaw hanging open.

Yao Ying blinked at him, her long lashes fluttering and the corners of her eyes was painted with a faint halo of rouge giving her a slightly more mature look. Every move she made was bright and charming.

"Did I startle you?" she chuckled.

Yuanjue was nearly breathless and could only manage to nod. He inwardly recited prayers, relieved that Prince Regent didn't come today.

General Ashina was right; Princess Wenzhao was too dangerous!

Yao Ying, adorned with jewels and emeralds, sat elegantly on the couch. The peony at her temple softly trembled as she said, "It's good. You're a martial artist with a steady temperament. If you're startled, others can be intimidated by me as well."

Yuanjue was still silently praying when a suit of armor was presented to him.

Yao Ying chuckled softly. "It's been a long day for you as my bodyguard. Thank you for helping me maintain appearances."

Yuanjue bowed his head in acknowledgment, putting the armor before entering the room and taking his place at the foot of the couch.

Several other Han men also put an armor, each carrying a blade, exuding a formidable presence as they stood at various corners of the room.

Servants knelt behind Yao Ying, holding a precious fan, a censer, and an incense box, filling the room with a subtle fragrance, while a few other maids were brewing tea in the outer corridor, wafting the scent of tea into the room.

Yuanjue stood tall and silent, not daring to make a sound.

Yao Ying surveyed the room, making sure every corner was properly arranged, and then let out a breath.

Back in the royal court, she had sent Lao Qi to contact various righteous individuals. The noble families in Hexi were deeply oppressed and missed their homeland. They responded swiftly upon learning that she was a princess from the Central Plains. This included several powerful families in Gaochang.

While the royal family's support was critical, establishing ties with the deeply entrenched and influential noble families of the Western Regions was equally crucial. Since Yuchi Damo was currently confined, she decided to unite with the noble families first.

Today, she is going to meet these brave people, and her demeanor is crucial.

As the saying goes, the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake. For now, she cannot offer any assurances. To intimidate these powerful clans from the Hexi region, who have long been separated from the Central Plains, she must seize the initiative and startle them from the very beginning. She must show the utmost sincerity and allow these clans to see what they desire from her.

When Yao Ying first arrived in Gaochang, she was worried to see that no one on the road was dressed in Han attire or speaking in the Han language, fearing that the clans had already forgotten their homeland.

Later, she roamed the marketplaces every day, inquired about the current trends in Gaochang about the latest fashion and makeup, and the most popular goods. She discovered some peculiar things; scripture books written in Chinese characters were still selling well, and wealthy women were competing to purchase silk fabrics, jewelry, and jade ornaments from the Central Plains.

Qi Nian told her that many people had been forced to change their customs but had not forgotten their homeland. During festivals, they would secretly worship their ancestors, longing for the imperial army to come.

Therefore, during the first meeting, Yao Ying must let the clans see a noble, confident Wei princess, bringing them hope, rather than a helpless, pitiful young lady.

Her hairstyle, makeup, attire, the dress of her personal guards and maids, and the furnishings in the room should not resemble the current fashion in Chang'an but the style from the north when the country was broken. The local clans are far from the Central Plains, which is their homeland in their hearts. This is what will touch their hearts. Yao Ying focused, gesturing to the guards at the door that they could let the people in.

Downstairs, a group of people hurriedly made their way through the bustling marketplaces, gathering in front of the shop.

These people were of different ages, all wearing coronets, with braids hanging down, dressed in round-collared, short-sleeved, patterned brocade robes. They exchanged glances, their expressions solemn, constantly asking, "Have you heard about it too?"

These were usually the relatives who trained private army in private. They knew each other well, standing in one place, whispering to each other, then clattered up to the second floor.

The painted curtain was drawn, and a maid lifted the crystal curtain. Amidst the flickering brilliance, Princess Wenzhao cast a smile and glanced at the group with bright, lively eyes.

To the elderly present, this scene was precisely their memory of their youth. In the peaceful and prosperous era of the past, their families flourished, the people were joyful, the Silk Road was open and the trade prospered. Gaochang was so bustling and prosperous!

The group stood stunned for a long while. Various emotions surged within them, and with warm feelings in their hearts, they saluted Yao Ying.

A heavy burden was lifted from Yao Ying's heart. From the reactions of these people, she had done the right thing.

That night, in Gaochang Palace.

A secret letter written in Chinese was delivered to Yuchi Bodhidharma. After reading the letter, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Footsteps approached from outside the door. Yuchi Damo turned his back, placed the letter in front of the oil lamp, allowing the flame to slowly consume the paper.

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