Chapter 91: Scandal

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Mondatipa got up and looked at Tumoroga's legs with a grave expression.

Banruo and two other personal soldiers gathered around the couch, discussing something with Mondatipa in a low voice.

Everyone looked gloomy.

Contrarily, the calmest of all was the heavily ill Tumoroga. His distant eyes swept over the faces of the several people surrounding him and gave a command softly.

Banruo nodded while wiping his tears.

They were speaking Sanskrit, so Yaoying could not understand a word. She only felt that Tumoroga's hoarse voice due to sickness still carried a certain elegant cadence.

The footsteps that woke her up came closer and closer. One of the personal soldiers lifted the hanging curtain and walked into the inner room quickly, speaking in Hu: "King, the Great Minister and them are here. They insist on entering the hall to have an audience with the king!"

Banruo and the others looked at each other.

"Do not let them in!" Banruo stood in front of the couch and asked, "Where is the Regent?"

The personal soldier said, "General Su went to Gaochang not long ago and has not yet returned to the city."

"Where is Princess Chima?"

"General Ashina escorted Princess Chima to Yunfu City. They are not in the city either, and people have been sent to bring them back." The personal soldier was sweating, "They are about to break in!"

The personal soldiers were at their wits' end, and Mondatipa, who did not want to interfere in the government affairs of the Royal Court, sighed helplessly.

In the stifling silence, the drowsy Tumoroga on the couch actually sat up, the back of his slim shoulders tensing then straightening like a bowstring. Without a trace of panic on his wan face, he said softly: "Help me to the main hall."

His voice still calm and unhurried.

Banruo wiped the corner of his eyes, bending down to support Tumoroga. His actions were skilled, as if such a thing had happened countless times.

Yaoying took a step forward, "You better not get off the ground."

Tumoroga's eyes lifted up, the deep turquoise pupils falling on her.

His gaze was as distant as his person. As if he was looking at you, and yet as if he was looking at something else through you. Everything in the world was mundane in his eyes.

An invisible pressure lingered around him, not at all sharp, if at all.

Yaoying and he stared at each other for a while. Eyes falling on his legs, her brows lightly knitted, and she said in not very smooth Hu: "With your legs swollen like this, you must rest in bed. If you get out of bed, even if you have Anxi pills now, your legs are completely ruined."

She did not know how Tumoroga had died of illness, only that he was lifted by worshippers to the Dharma altar during his last public scripture reading. Looking at his legs at present, she guessed that they must have been ruined at that time.

In great alarm, Banruo asked through sobs, "King, tell the Great Minister and the others the truth!"

Tumoroga looked down at his legs, his eyelashes fluttering lightly, and said faintly, "No matter."

The Northern Rong was eyeing them, and the situation in the court was unstable. The news that he was seriously ill could not be leaked out.

Banruo and the personal soldiers looked at each other, not daring to say anything more, and helped him up.

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