Chapter 161 - Righteous People

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In order to appease people's hearts, Princess Yina held banquets every day to entertain the nobles and officials in the palace. During this period, Yuchi Damo briefly appeared several times. The palace was peaceful with singing and dancing, but there was an undercurrent surging behind the scenes that no one could see.

It was snowing heavily that day and the cold wind was howling. Yaoying came to the market with her soldiers, walked into a shop selling wine, and climbed to the inner room on the second floor.

Qi Nian and two Han people were waiting in front of the door and whispered: "Princess, everything has been arranged. The Zhao family, the Zhang family, the Wang family, and the Yang family will all send people over today." Yaoying nodded.

Yuan Jue followed her and asked puzzledly: "Why does the princess want to receive guests in a place like this?"

He has been working as a bodyguard for Yaoying these days, and he knows that she is trying to find a way to deliver messages to the influential families in Gaochang. Most of whom were decendants from Hexi and Helong region who are longing for their homeland.

Yao Ying said: "I don't know if they can be trusted. It's safer to meet here. If something happens, we can leave at any time."

Yuanjue nodded and thought to himself, the princess has been thoughtful, it is not appropriate for Alanruo to be exposed since he is from the royal court.

Not long after the two arrived, three maids entered the room carrying trays, followed by several young men carrying chest and boxes. They were all members of the caravan. When the young men opened the containers , the room was filled with precious aura of treasure, shimmering with splendor.

Yuanjue was dazzled. Aren't these the jewels the princess bought a few days ago?

Yao Ying signaled for Yuan Jue to wait behind the screen, then entered the inner room.

Yuan Jue didn't dare to peek inside but stood waiting outside. He could hear the rustling sounds inside as the jewelry was being presented. The maids were busily shuttling in and out.

He waited for a full hour, feeling sore and dizzy. Finally, he heard Yao Ying summoning him from inside. Immediately, he perked up, lifted his head, turned around the screen, and was left dumbfounded by the scene inside the room.

The room was tidy and clean, the beaded curtains swayed gently, and the exquisitely woven woolen mat with Capricornian patterns covered the floor. There were luxurious couches, seats, and a golden screen adorned with verses.

In front of the couch stood several gilded lion-shaped incense burners, with fragrant smoke lingering in the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

A woman sat gracefully on the couch, her face powdered, lips tinted, and her makeup was meticulous. A pair of smiling dimples adorned her cheeks and a jade ornament graced her forehead. Her hair was arranged in an elaborate bun adorned with gold and jade ornaments.

At the side of her hair hung a quivering, palm-sized peony flower, neither red nor white, casting a hue that contrasted with her jet-black hair and stunning features.

She wears a narrow-sleeved, short jacket made of jacquard silk with fish roe patterns, covered by a half-sleeve brocade robe featuring intricate patterns of red flowers and green leaves. The ensemble is completed by a twelve-fold dark floral satin long skirt, adorned with a shoulder-draped brocade outer garment featuring a painted gold and silver flowers and birds.

Radiating an air of elegance and grace with dazzling beauty. The resplendence of her appearance was enough to command reverence.

A few rays of sunlight filtered through the window, casting its light on the peony flower by her temple, and it seemed as if dewdrops were rolling on the delicate petals. Her hair, a lustrous black, and her features, delicately refined, were further accentuated.

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