Chapter 128: Set a Trap

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Bisha's heart shook, distracted for quite a while before he nodded.

"If everything is as the princess guessed, I can start with those few troops to ruin Haidu Aling's plan of feigning weakness and make Wakhan Khan more vigilant of him."

This was exactly what she wanted to discuss with Bisha: "Whether Haidu Aling really broke into the palace on impulse or he had other plans, the general can take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble. If my guess is wrong, the general can improvise, such as making Wakhan Khan think that Prince Haidu Aling reached some sort of agreement with the Royal Court. He will have to suspect him even if he has never been doubtful."

Bisha's eyes widened.

Princess Wenzhao could come up with such a poisonous plan!

If the royal family of the Northern Rong was at peace, they will drive a wedge between Wakhan Khan and Haidu Aling.

If the royal family of the Northern Rong was unstable, they will add fuel to the fire, so that the fire rages more vigorously.

In short, no matter why Haidu Aling came to the Royal Court, Princess Wenzhao will pull Haidu Aling down and bite off a piece of his flesh to completely disrupt the royal family of the Northern Rong!

Bisha's look was too alarmed. Yaoying inexplicably explained: "The upper military strategy, followed by the second one, 'to give up the army without fighting', is also the best strategy. We remind Wakhan Khan to beware of Haidu Aling, intensify the conflict between them, and weaken the Northern Rong, so that have their hands full with their own affairs. That is also one of the military methods to avoid war."

The Northern Rong sowed dissension and incited the countries of the Central Plains to war, trying to take advantage of the situation and seize any opportunity they could. She was just returning the favor. A tooth for a tooth.

After finishing her speech, Yaoying straightened up and solemnly saluted Bisha, saying, "I am not from the Royal Court and only live in the Holy City, so I should not interfere with such major political matters. I am only facing the same threat as your distinguished country, so I boldly said what is on my mind. I hope you will not take offense, General. Just think of me as a young and ignorant person who is speaking nonsense."

Bisha's palms were slightly sweaty. After a moment of silence, he rose and helped Yaoying up: "The princess is an honored guest of the Royal Court. These words will be between you and me. No one else will know."

Yaoying smiled lightly.

She didn't care what Bisha thought of her, as long as the advice would come in handy.

Bisha suddenly asked, "Why doesn't the princess advise the king directly? I am only the general of the Central Army. All decisions must be approved by the king."

Yaoying blinked, her eyes bright with the cunning playfulness of a young girl: "I'm not going to hide from the general. What a noble and clean character the Venerable Master is. To the Venerable Master, this kind of intrigue... I am somewhat unable to say."

Tumoroga was like a lotus upright and facing the wind, pure and noble. If she discussed these things with him, wouldn't he frown and drive her out of the Buddhist temple?

Bisha froze for a moment and then laughed aloud.

"What do you take the king for? He is the monarch of the Royal Court..."

After laughing for a while, the worry in Bisha's heart dispersed a few points.

Roga was right. Princess Wenzhao had no fondness for him, only pure reverence and gratitude.

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