Chapter 126: Living Together

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The room was neat and clean, with no incense burning. His table was full of sutra scrolls, and Tumoroga was continuing to write with his head down. His fingers were long and slender, and, although thin, they gave off the feeling of being powerful.

Yaoying kneeled on the seat opposite him, subconsciously straightening her spine, sitting in a regular posture. She got right to the point and said: "The prince of the Northern Rong's soul has not dispersed, so I am very grateful for Venerable Master issuing an edict to defend me and let me live in the Buddhist temple. However, is this not detrimental to the Venerable Master's reputation?"

Tumoroga's aura was understated, and there was a sense of omniscient prestige. In front of him, she did not need to be formal, polite, and long-winding. She could say whatever she was thinking. What she wanted to say, after all, could not be hidden from the other party.

After Yaoying finished, her eyes widened and she stared unblinkingly at Tumoroga.

Tumoroga stopped writing and raised his head, his eyes were clear and gentle: "The princess need not take it personally. It is just more criticism. A year later, when the princess safely leaves, the criticism will dissipate."

His tone was calm and light-hearted.

Yaoying suddenly felt unable to say the words of gratitude that she had thought about all night long last night.

Tumoroga was intelligent; he did not take her claims about being the next Mordenga Maiden seriously at all. He didn't need her gratitude, nor did he need her to pay any price. He helped her just because she was a person in need of help among the masses. She had saved him, he could help her, and when he saw her in danger, he stepped in to help.

She met a good person.

Yaoying smiled. Her entire body completely relaxed, and the lingering gloom in her heart also seemed to be blown away.

Her eyes were slightly curved, her pupils crystal bright, and she softly said, "Many thanks."

The fifteen-year-old young lady, girlish and youthful, temporarily relieved of her burdens, glowed with the radiance of the first bloom.

The meditation room seemed to brighten up a few points, brimming with spring colors.

Tumoroga put down his pen, picked up some sutras, and handed them to Yaoying.

Yaoying straightened up, took the sutras, and found that they were Chinese versions of the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, the Mahāyānasaṃgraha, the Śāriputrābhidharma, and other sutras.

She immediately had a headache.

Well, a monk did not lie. When Tumoroga issued the edict that she should come to the temple to practice Buddhism, he truly did want her to study Buddhism seriously. Not only did he arrange her morning and evening classes, he even prepared the sutras.

This person was so honest.

Yaoying held the heavy scriptures, thinking that in the future that she not only had to deal with the tedious affairs of setting up a merchant caravan fleet but also had to read these scriptures. Scalp tingling, she suddenly remembered another thing. She lifted her head, her eyes burning at Tumoroga.

"Venerable..." With an earnest look, she asked, "Do I have to shave too?"

There was a momentary flicker of bewilderment on Tumoroga's face.

Embarrassment appeared on Yaoying's face.

The Mordenga Maiden shaved her head to practice in order to marry Prince Ananda; should she also shave her head? Although compared with her life, hair was not worth mentioning, and she should not hesitate about this. However, she wouldn't shave if she didn't need to. Her hair was thick and dense after so many years of maintenance!

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