Chapter 31: Eliminating the Seventh Princess and Seventh Prince

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  "These papers are soft and tough, evenly thin, and are long-lasting. Guess how much a hundred of them cost?"

  One man said: "This paper is really flexible, white and flat, can be used for writing and painting. One hundred sheets for six hundred?"

  Wei Ming shook his head, "Sixty."

  The other five were shocked. Even Qin Fei, a crude man, had his mouth hanging open. Although he was a military general, he knew how expensive paper was. Such nice paper was unexpectedly so cheap?

  Wei Ming picked up a few books from the lacquer tray.

  Qin Fei took one of the books and casually opened it to take a look but did not see anything extraordinary.

  But several other scholars made surprised exclamations.

  One person said, "I have never seen such exquisite binding."

  Another said, "The binding method is just fine, but look at the writing inside, how were these inscribed? Every single character is distinct, truly ingenious."

Several men sighed with emotion and asked with a smile, "Which great scholar wrote and printed these books? Why have we never heard of them?"

  The printing of books was not a simple matter. They assisted Prime Minister Zheng in presiding over the printing of the new dynasty almanac and were fully aware of the hardships involved.

  Wei Ming said expressionlessly, "The Seventh Princess."

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Wei Ming pointed to the papers, "These papers are only the ordinary papers sold at the Xie family's bookstore. Apart from these, there are also expensive gold-sprinkled papers, peach blossom papers2, and of course cheaper coarse papers. The most popular among scholars is the cheap but quality cotton paper, which the people around Jingnan call Xie family's paper."

  "As for these agricultural and medical books, they were also produced by the Xie family. Their bookstores in various areas of the country not only compile, print, and sell books, but also allow the people to borrow the books and provide the paper to copy them. The bookstore in Jingnan has collected ten thousand volumes of books. Every day, there are scholars and literati who go to seek their books and the Xie family welcomes everyone, only charging one coin per person."

  Everyone suddenly looked astounded.

  Why were the noble families prosperous from generation to generation, producing so many capable people?

  Why were the noble families and the poor as clearly distinct as the Jing and Wei rivers?

  Because the noble families had not only monopolized power and wealth for a long time, but also completely monopolized learning.

  The sons and daughters of the noble families began to study at the age of four or five. They had wise elders, erudite teachers, abundant collections of books, knowledge passed through the generations, and a family legacy of learning.

  What about the sons and daughters of ordinary families?

  Just the consumption of paper, ink and brushes could collapse a family. The average household could not necessarily cultivate many scholars.

  Rich families may not need to worry about the expenses, but they would not have much of a collection of books at home. Even putting together a collection of the Four Books and Five Classics was hard enough, not to mention the precious works of the great scholars. It was already difficult to get a handwritten copy of a book full of mistakes, but without a teacher around to consult, the book could be read a hundred times without its meaning correctly understood.

Several people in the room were from poor and humble backgrounds. Studying intensively and tirelessly, they had gone through a lot of hardship to get to where they were now. Limited because of their origins, they couldn't be in high positions, and could only ever be wronged and lose to the sons of noble families.

  In this world, probably only they could understand the significance behind Xie family's paper and Xie family's collection of books.

  To allow learning to be spread among the people, to allow the common people to be able to afford paper, able to afford books, able to, without spending a single penny, read all the Xie family's collection of books.

  To benefit the people, deserving of eternal merit!

  Everyone could not hide their moved expressions, "These were really the Seventh Princess's ideas?"

  Wei Ming nodded: "The di branch of the Xie family has been severed, so they act low profile and did not make it publicly known. It took me half a year to find out that the person who ordered the opening of the bookstore was the Seventh Princess and the person who presided over the writing of agricultural books was also the Seventh Princess. She ordered someone to set up a book workshop in Jingnan, and every day, there are a thousand people collecting and organizing the books and writing articles."

  Everyone exchanged shocked looks.

  Qin Fei looked puzzled. Since the chief historian knew that the Seventh Princess had done so many good deeds that would benefit numerous generations, why did he still want to harm the Seventh Princess?

  He scratched his head and said, "The Seventh Princess has a compassionate heart, her mind is for the world, not lacking in the least compared to men. All the more reason why we should not have her married instead."

  The several other people cast him sympathetic glances.

  Wei Ming didn't bother to pay attention to him, looking at the others: "Not long ago, at the spring banquet held at the Prime Minister's residence, the second prince purchased a pot of peony flowers for the seventh princess, spending tens of thousands of gold. I deliberately spread the word out, and sure enough, some people scolded the second prince's extravagance. The seventh princess accepted the flowers, and on the day of the spring banquet, she did not attend, but had someone send the flowers to the Prime Minister's residence to compete for the king of flowers. In the end, the pot of flowers won and the Seventh Princess sold the flowers to a rich merchant. The Seventh Princess used all the money earned from selling the flowers to settle refugees. The next day, the people accusing the second prince of misconduct was reduced by half."

  He paused for a moment.

  "The seventh princess seems to be delicate and virtuous, but in fact, she has a deep mind and is also a national beauty. On a trip out of the palace, the sons of noble families fall over themselves pursuing her. In the future, how many officials will be ministers under her skirt?"

Wei Ming looked solemn.

  "The seventh princess will undoubtedly be a great danger to us. As long as she's on the second prince's side, the second prince will have one more opportunity to succeed."

  So, since they could kill two birds with one stone, simultaneously getting rid of both the Seventh Princess and the Second Prince, why not have the Seventh Princess marry instead?

  Everyone was silent.

  Qin Fei did not make a sound.

  Wei Ming turned around and paid obeisance towards where Li Xuanzhen was standing, "Your Highness, this time, you cannot be soft-hearted any longer."

  Li Xuanzhen was silent for a long time. A hoarse command rang in his ears, "Avenge Aniang.... Changsheng Nu, avenge Aniang..."

  A chill surged through his body.

  He stood in the dark corner and nodded.

  Wei Ming was overjoyed, "I'll go arrange it now!"

  The Crown Prince was finally able to be ruthless to the Seventh Princess.


  Today, Yao Ying was putting up her hair in the mirror when two eunuchs suddenly arrived outside the wangfu.

  "Your Highness, His Majesty requests an audience."

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