Chapter 86

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With a measure in her heart, Yaoying pressed down her embarrassment and slowly said, "No matter what Venerable's identity is, I am true to Venerable Master."

The two soldiers were stunned. Their brains spinning rapidly, racking their brains for half a day, they came up with a very powerful rebuke:

"You don't want face!"

Yaoying looked at Tumoroga's dusty back. Her face was grave, and she thought, Yama1 is watching from the side. Face, this kind of thing, she could give up.

"Venerable is a person practicing Buddhism, I am a person of the vulgar world."

Yaoying solemnly pressed her palms together.

"I would like to follow the example of the Mordenga Maiden and devote myself to Buddha for Venerable. We can revisit this matter after."

The lightly-armored soldiers were stunned and looked at each other.

They had heard the tale of the Mordenga Maiden.

When Ananda was young and extraordinarily handsome, a woman named Mordenga fell in love with him and insisted on marrying him. Ananda could not get rid of her, so he turned to Siddhartha Gautama for help.

Siddhartha Gautama took matters calmly, telling Mordenga that Ananda was a practitioner. If she wanted to marry him, she must first practice for one year.

She gladly agreed and delightedly became a nun, practicing every day. She gradually came to realization, becoming aware of the five desires and sufferings.

She sincerely confessed and repented to Siddhartha Gautama. Obtaining enlightenment, she saw through the world of mortals, cut off the threads of love, and attained the fruit of Aluohan.

This love entanglement was eventually turned into a thousand-year legend.

The lightly armored soldiers exchanged a look.

All the people said that Buddha's son was the incarnation of Ananda, and it just so happened that here came a Great Wei princess who would voluntarily become a nun to marry Buddha's son. Could this be all a test from Buddha to Buddha's son?

In any case, the fact that this beautiful Han girl could think of becoming a nun to prove her sincerity to the Buddha's son showed that she truly admired him.

The soldiers snorted coldly.

Yaoying took in the white-robed soldiers' eased expressions and inwardly exhaled a long, slow breath.

Tumoroga had ruled the Royal Court for more than ten years by his fame as the Buddha's son, and the saying that he was Ananda's incarnation had truly entered the people's hearts. As long as her approach glorified Tumoroga and compared him with Ananda, these soldiers would naturally accept her words.

In this way, her public proposal of marriage today would only add to Tumoroga's reputation.

Tumoroga could ignore her completely, and she was willing to give up her face to act as a silly girl infatuated with a monk-as long as she could live, this sacrifice was not worth mentioning.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this solution was to everyone's delight and satisfaction. Before she had a chance to see Tumoroga's reaction, horse hooves stomped behind her.

Haidu Aling's thick arms had reached her and wrapped around her waist.

"Full of nonsense!"

He looked sorrowful. Scooping Yaoying up, he carried her onto the horse, and lowered his voice, "It seems that I was still too polite to the princess these days. Wait until we return to the camp. I will let the princess personally see how I tame women in bed."

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