Chapter 81: Western Regions

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Yaoying thought back to the struggle between the Northern Rong and the Royal Court. She could be sure that both Wakhan Khan and Haidu Aling were afraid of Tumoroga.

This time, Wakhan Khan summoned his courage and sent tribes with relations to him to attack the Royal Court, only surrounding the periphery. He not only failed to take the Holy City as he wished, but he also became sick from anger. The news spread, and the Northern Rong cavalry only became more and more convinced of that rumor: whoever dared to attack the Holy City would meet the wrath of heaven.

Haidu Aling was as unnerved by Tumoroga as his uncle. With the Northern Rong's defeat, he was too busy taking care of military affairs to think of her for the time being, so she could look for an opportunity to escape.

However, without giving her the time to find the right moment, on this day, some Hu girls suddenly escorted her to Haidu Aling's tent.

A long pole was erected in the open space in front of the tent, and a bruised and scarred person was tied in front of it. Blood dripped down the hem of their robe and a puddle of dirty blood gathered on the sand.

Yaoying's eyes fell on the person's face and she trembled.

Haidu Aling pushed the curtain aside and came out, carrying a sword in hand, with a wound on his right cheek. The bleeding had not stopped, and half of his face was covered in blood.

His face was gloomy and he took a large step towards Xie Qing.

Yaoying quickly jumped forward, and several Hu women swarmed her, holding her firmly, not allowing her to go forward.

Haidu Aling turned to glance at Yaoying. Wiped his wound, he hissed and raised his long sword: "Seventh Princess, it's not that I don't keep my promises. Your men dare to assassinate me, so don't blame me for being ruthless."

Seeing that he was about to chop off Xie Qing's head with a single slash, Yaoying's mind was electrified, and a thought flew through her mind.

"I know Tumoroga!"

The long sword was just next to Xie Qing's neck when it suddenly came to a hard stop.

Yaoying's heart was happy: Haidu Aling was truly afraid of Tumoroga!

An emotion flickered in Haidu Aling's pale yellow eyes. He turned his head and gazed at Yaoying.

Tumoroga's fame was known to everyone in the Western Regions, however, they usually addressed him as the Buddha's son or Master, the Dharma teacher. Ordinary people only knew Tumoroga's surname Tumo but did not know the name Roga. Only by chance did he find out his full name of Tumoroga.

The Seventh Princess, a Han girl, also knew Tumoroga's full name?

Yaoying composed herself. Meeting Haidu Aling's suspicious eyes, she calmly said, "Has the prince ever wondered why the Royal Court's caravan would appear near Liangzhou?"

Haidu Aling frowned lightly.

When he learned that the Eldest Prince had hijacked Tumoroga's caravan, he had indeed pondered over this problem: Why would Tumoroga's people cross the Quicksand River and appear in the Liangzhou area?

The Buddha's son was noble and holy. Except for a few times when leading the army in battle, he never set foot outside the Buddhist temple. Haidu Aling thought for a long time but could not come up with a reason, and he had inwardly been stuck thinking about this matter.

Now when Yaoying mentioned it, Haidu Aling immediately remembered the matter.

Haidu Aling said in a light-hearted manner, "Is it possible that it was for you?"

Yaoying nodded: "Correct, it was for me. I had just gotten married to the Yelu tribe, and Tumoroga's caravan appeared nearby. Could it be that that was a coincidence?"

Haidu Aling's frown grew tighter.

Yaoying forced herself not to shake and continued to lie through her teeth: "Not only do I know Tumoroga, but I also have a great friendship with him. The reason why I was willing to make a deal with Li Xuanzhen in the first place was that I knew Tumoroga would send someone to rescue me. If you release my personal soldiers and send me to Tumoroga, I can convince him to form an alliance with you."

Haidu Aling smiled: "Why should I enter an alliance with the Buddha's son?"

Yaoying calmly said, "Wakhan Khan will soon make an alliance with Tumoroga that well water does not interfere with river water. When Khan returns to the encampment, how will the prince, a person without the blood of Wakhan Khan, compete with other princes? Are you are willing to submit to the other princes?"

Haidu Aling put away his smile. All of his exposed aura slowly dissipated, looking as if to restrain his anger, but his eyes shone with a gloomy killing intent.

Cold and sinister.

At this moment, he was the most dangerous.

Yaoying's cold sweat was dripping. Sweeping a glance at Xie Qing in her peripheral vision, she continued: "You let me go, and I will persuade Tumoroga to ally with you. If Wakhan Khan dies, you will certainly be executed by other princes. Why not leave a retreat route for yourself?"

Haidu Aling did not say a word. The long sword in his hand changed direction and cut down at Yaoying.

This woman had guessed his thoughts and could not be kept!

The Hu girls shrieked in fear and immediately hugged their heads to dodge.

The icy cold gleam came down. Yaoying went soft all over, but her fingers pinched deep into her palm, forcing herself to face Haidu Aling directly: "Aren't you afraid that Tumoroga will take revenge for me?"

Haidu Aling's hand movement stopped.

At that moment, the horses' hooves thumped, and a few Northern Rong soldiers tumbled off their horses and hurriedly ran to the tent: "Prince, the Khan wants to make a covenant with the Buddha's son!"

Haidu Aling was stunned.

The soldier ran closer, took out a letter, and said with a cupped fist: "The Khan has already left for Sha City, and requests Prince to go with."

Haidu Aling put away his long sword, took the letter, and found that what was written on it was the same as what Yaoying had just said.

Wakhan Khan was seriously ill. The shamans in the clan said he was probably cursed by Buddha's son, and the army was in a panic. Wakhan Khan was helpless and decided to make peace with Tumoroga first. The well water of the Northern Rong would not interfere the river water of the Royal Court.

Of course, this was only a stopgap measure. The Northern Rong wanted to conquer the Western Regions, so taking the Holy City was a must.

But how could the princess of Great Wei have the foresight to know that the two countries would enter a covenant?

Haidu Aling was shocked in his heart, but his face did not show it. Putting away the letter, he glanced coldly at Yaoying: "Take her away."

Regardless of how strange this princess was, she would be useful if he kept her.

If she was really acquainted with Tumoroga, all the better.

Haidu Aling took the letter and left in a hurry.

Not waiting for the Hu girl to get closer, Yaoying finally couldn't support herself and collapsed softly to the ground.

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