Chapter 70: Escape

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At nighttime, she stayed back, not leaving. The sound of talking came from outside the tent, and the Eldest Prince and Bemutai came into the tent one after the other.

The Eldest Prince looked at Yaoying, did not pay her any mind, and turned his head to talk to Bemutai.

Yaoying's eyes were cast downward, her posture docile and submissive.

Bemutai's light yellow eyes stared at her for a while, and then a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his lips. He said a few words in Hu language to the Eldest Prince.

The Eldest Prince listened and looked at Yaoying with a lewd expression. He also replied in the Hu language.

Yaoying was motionless.

But Tali beside her turned pale and trembled.

The Eldest Prince raised his leg and kicked at Tali, shouting, "Lowly slave! Why do you not repeat my words to the princess?"

Tali shrank twice and hid behind Yaoying, not daring to squeak.

The Eldest Prince looked at Yaoying's hand, which was trembling slightly from fear, laughed loudly, and turned to leave the tent.

Bemutai also followed him out.

Before he turned around, he suddenly turned back. His eyes were like electricity as it circled Yaoying's body.

Yaoying turned her back on him and bowed her head to comfort Tali, her palms densely covered in sweat.

Not long after, the tent door closed gently. Bemutai had left.

Yaoying asked Tali in a low voice: "What did the Eldest Prince say just now?"

Tali whispered, "The Eldest Prince said some vulgar and disrespectful words."

The Eldest Prince said that he would tear off the Princess's clothes in front of all the Wei empire's soldiers. She did not dare to translate it to the Princess.

Yaoying was silent for half a day. Tears falling, she crouched by Yelu Khan's couch, sobbing quietly.

"You do not say but I can still guess... These barbaric people from beyond the Great Wall... what nice things can they say?

"I hate Li Xuanzhen! He is so cruel! I am a princess of Great Wei, a golden branch and jade leaves. I am here in this land outside of the Wall, associating with these barbarians... Khan will not live long... What will I do in the future... "

She cried for a long time.

Tali was at a loss. She wrung handkerchiefs for Yaoying to wipe her tears, and persuaded with warm words, before she slowly stopped weeping.

The biting northwest wind was blowing, and people's shadows were swaying against the tent.

Yaoying bowed her head and wiped her tears. The rim of her eyes were red from crying, but her pupils were clear and calm.

The next few days, Yaoying kept watch for Yelu Khan every day. The Eldest Prince and Bemutai occasionally brought the clan elder to take a look.

Yelu Khan's health was getting worse by the day. After ten days, he finally breathed his last.

Xie Qing told Yaoying that on that day, after the Khan died, Bemutai left the camp with a few attendants in the middle of the night. He did not know where he went.

Her speculation was confirmed. Yaoying's heart beat wildly.

Bemutai was indeed not an ordinary person.

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