Chapter 80: Western Regions

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Yaoying's body swayed, almost unable to stand steadily.

She didn't know there was a Grand Princess Yiqing in the shadows, and only reminded Li Xuanzhen and Du Sinan in her letter that they should beware of Southern Chu. She didn't know if they could uncover Grand Princess Yiqing's spy.

Haidu Aling laughed lightly: "Seventh Princess, look, if it weren't for the help of your Han princesses, how could I have plundered the Central Plains without a hitch and gotten such a stunning beauty such as the princess?"

Yaoying calmed her thoughts and raised her eyes, "Han people are human, you Northern Rong people are also human, there are good and bad people. I am not Grand Princess Yiqing; I will not cooperate with the prince."

She paused for a moment and straightened her spine.

"Not everyone will be lured in and coerced by the prince. There are many more people like me.

"This time when the prince attacked Great Wei, Southern Chu, which was separated from Great Wei by a deep blood feud, should have sent troops along with you. Yet, they held their troops back, because they knew that the prince's ambition was not just a single Guanzhong. Without lips, the teeth feel the cold, and linked branches share the same spirit1. Although the ambitious people of Southern Chu and Western Shu have been deceived by the prince for a while, once they know the truth, they will never make peace with such a person!

"The Central Plains has been unified. Great Wei will soon pacify the war. Southern Chu and Western Shu will both submit to Great Wei; the mountains and rivers are unified, the ruler and ministers are of one mind. Northern Rong is certainly strong, but Great Wei is not without strong generals!"

Haidu Aling's slender eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips hooked up, "Princess' broad-mindedness, this prince admires."

Yaoying said coldly, "The prince's broad-mindedness, I also very much admire."

Haidu Aling paused, "Princess admires this prince?"

The corner of Yaoying's mouth lightly curled: "The prince was not born to Wakhan Khan. In order to repay the Khan's kindness of raising you, you have led the front lines and fought until soaked in blood. How much land did the prince capture for the khan this time?"

Haidu Aling's face stiffened slightly.

Yaoying sensed his anger and thought secretly in her heart: Sure enough, Haidu Aling was very sensitive to his identity. After all, he was not Wakhan's own son.

Haidu Aling seemed unable to respond, and his hands stopped moving, signaling that Yaoying could leave.

Yaoying turned around and brushed her sleeves.

Haidu Aling's face was gloomy. He called his strategist and casually grabbed a cloth towel to wipe the deer blood on his blade, "Did you hear what the Seventh Princess just said?"

The strategist nodded his head.

"She is a delicate woman with such broad-mindedness. Are all the people of the Central Plains really like this? Is this indeed not a good time to attack the Central Plains?"

The strategist deliberated for a moment and said in words that Haidu Aling could understand: "Although Wei has not been established for long, it has won the hearts of the people. As the saying goes, united for long, bound to be divided, divided for long, bound to be united2. Southern Chu was forced until they now hold a small piece of land. The outside looks beautiful, but the inside has long been completely rotten. They are not Wei's rival. Looking at the Central Plains, no other influences can stop Wei's unification of the North and South."

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