Chapter 19: Minister Under the Skirt

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Yaoying went dumb for a moment.

  After leaving Pingkang Square, Xie Qing calmly told her that the young man who climbed out of the window in distress was the Zheng family's third son.

  Yaoying didn't remember Zheng Jing's face and didn't recognize him at that time. She only thought he was a scholar on his first visit to this place of fireworks who heard the noisy people outside the wine shop and thought they were officials who came to make trouble, so he tried to escape by jumping out of the window in embarrassment and happened to fall right in front of her.

  Thinking back to the Zheng Jing at that time covered in dirt looking ashamed and unable to show his face, Yaoying could not help but smile.

  Who would have thought that the shy and mediocre Zheng Jing would have a meteoric rise later on, becoming a powerful Prime Minister with courage bold enough to take a tablet board and smack the child emperor in the mouth?

  She leaned back a little, laughing and shaking, making the room's candlelight seem to instantly brighten up a few points.

  Li Zhongqian immediately frowned in alertness, "What are you laughing at?"

  Yaoying waved her hand, her tone perfunctory: "Nothing."

Li Zhongqian's long and narrow phoenix eyes faintly raised, suddenly stepping forward and grabbing her shoulders, interrogating her, "Little seventh, have you seen Zheng Jing? What did he say to you? What the hell are you laughing at?"

  Yaoying smiled but did not say anything, her cheeks slightly flushed.

  She didn't dare to tell him about bumping into Zheng Jing during a visit to the brothels, otherwise what would she do if he hammered Zheng Jing to death in a fit of rage?

  Li Zhongqian's face was gloomy, thinking of a possibility, the undercurrents in his eyes surging turbulently.

  "Do you like Zheng Jing?"

  Seeing her like this, could it be that she and Zheng Jing had a love affair?

  Yaoying was stunned and hastily explained, "I've only seen him a few times...."

  Li Zhongqian's voice was cold: "So, you really have seen him? How many times have you seen him? What did Zheng san say to you?"

  Yaoying couldn't help but give him a blank look. She put away her smile and pushed him away: "I've seen him a few times, but I've never talked to him."

He had already taken the initiative to settle the marriage, why did he care about this?

  She hadn't even lost her temper yet, why was he mad?

  Li Zhongqian was silent for a long time, knowing that he had overreacted, and unhappily released his hand.

  He sighed and reached out to help Yaoying tidy up the shawl that had slipped off her shoulder, moving carefully and with a fawning touch.

  Yaoying hmphed lightly with a stern face and pulled the shawl away from him.

  Li Zhongqian smiled bitterly, holding the shawl tightly, his voice heavy: "Little seventh, remember, don't be like aniang...."

  Don't impulsively invest your entire heart for the momentary flutter of youth, like a moth to a flame, only to have all your hopes and efforts rendered futile.

  Even if you like a person, you have to protect yourself. Be a little selfish, a little cold.

  Do not foolishly fall headfirst into it.

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