Chapter 148

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In front of the long bridge, the willow's shadow caressed the ground.

Li Xuanzhen stood beside his steed and asked, "Yu Niang, have you ever regretted it?"

Zheng Biyu shook her head, "Your Highness, I have never regretted it."

She knew herself. Even if she were to do it all over again, she would still make the same choice.

"Dalang, I don't regret it... but every time I think of Zheng Wu, I feel as if there is something missing in my heart. No matter what I do, nothing can fill that void."

Zheng Biyu looked at Li Xuanzhen and sincerely said, "I no longer have a chance to make up for it. That's why, once upon a time, no matter how much you and Zhu Luyun messed around, I still hoped that you could spend your life inseparably with the woman you love."

Li Xuanzhen had not treated her badly these past few years. This was her second marriage and she nearly left with another man on their wedding night. He knew everything about her, understood that what she sought was glory, and had never made fun of or belittled her.

She was grateful to him and pitied him. She was sober and sensible; her heart was already old. As long as the home was stable, she didn't care at all about the warblers and swallows around him.

He still has the chance to toss for love-how nice!

"Dalang, Princess Wenzhao is still alive. You still have a chance to atone for your crimes. Figure out your heart and don't let yourself be blinded with hatred. People cannot be brought back after death; don't leave yourself with regrets."

Li Xuanzhen was lost in thought for a moment before he mounted his horse.

"Yu Niang, I refused to let Li Zhongqian go all these years. In the end, Ah Yue was forced to enter a marriage alliance. Why did she still risk her life to send her personal soldiers to warn me?"

Zheng Biyu lifted her chin, "Does Your Highness think that the Seventh Princess should harbor a grudge against you, against the entire court, and sit back and watch the Northern Rong sneak up on Great Wei, asking the entire Great Wei and all of its people to follow along?"

She gave a laugh.

"Your Highness, you underestimate people too much."

Li Xuanzhen pulled up the reins, "Yes, I underestimate people too much. I always told myself that Li De was the Son of Heaven, that he had his own burdens, that the world was not yet unified so I could not kill him because of my own personal vendetta, so I could only start with Li Zhongqian first because the Shzi position was something that Aniang exchanged her life for; no one could take it away."

He was silent for a long time. The things of his past flashed through his mind one by one.

"Ah Yue gave me a chance... If I could have accepted her goodwill calmly at that time, there would not have been all these things later."

He was too stubborn.

"What is the difference between Li De and I?"

It was a time of chaos. A man, instead of thinking about restoring the mountains and rivers, pacifying the chaotic world, and rescuing all the people from this inferno, because of his mother's last wish, could not distinguish right from wrong, muddled. Ah Yue was driven to desperation, yet could still, between personal hatred and righteousness, decisively choose righteousness. He had the ambition to end the chaos, but he was narrow-minded, indulging in his subordinates' conspiracy against loyal and good people.

If he could not clean his house, how could he clean the world?

He was trapped by the demons in his heart, not at all worthy of being the country's Crown Prince.

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