Chapter 158

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In the early part of the night, Yao Ying's body burned as if on fire and she couldn't even drink water, let alone eat the bowl of vegetable soup and cakes.

She felt someone gently lift her up and bring the bowl of soup to her lips. A faint sweet scent wafted through the air, but she felt nauseous and pushed the bowl away.

The soup splashed out, and the bowl was moved away immediately.

The warmth in the quilt felt like there was a bright charcoal fire hidden within. Yao Ying felt unbearably hot and restless, and couldn't help but push off the quilt that was covering her.

As she pushed it away, the quilt covered her again.

She pushed it away once more, and before long, the quilt gently returned to its original position. Frustrated by her illness, she made discontented sounds as she kicked the quilt with all her might, repeatedly pushing it down.

She was like a grumpy cat.

The figure beside the bed paused for a moment.

After the heat dissipated, Yaoying felt more comfortable. She spread her arms and legs and turned over. She curled up and slept with her arms as pillows. Her long black hair spread over her shoulders, her delicate jade-like feet exposed and tops slightly tight. She was looking pitiful and fragile, appearing completely different from her earlier irritated state.

After a while, the quilt once again covered her.

A hand with distinctively sharp bones gently pressed down the corner of the quilt.

Yao Ying suddenly opened her eyes and looked up, her thick eyelashes wet.

This action made her feel very familiar and reassured.


In her childhood, Yao Ying took medicine every day and couldn't sleep through the night. Especially in the year when she had just started learning to walk, her legs were in unbearable pain, and she tossed and turned in bed, unable to find a comfortable position.

She didn't want to cry because of the pain she couldn't bear, but tears still fell, wetting the pillow.

When Li Zhongqian heard the sound, he walked into the room holding a candle and looked at her face, saying, 'Little Seven?'

Yao Ying knew he was anxious, so she immediately held her breath, pretending to be asleep.

Li Zhongqian bent down, raised the blanket that had slipped under her shoulders, gently patted it, and then patted the bed cover. After standing by the bed for a while, he left.

Yao Ying's legs still hurt, but she felt much more at ease in her heart. She turned over and continued sleeping.


Years have passed, and Yao Ying had long forgotten the pains that once kept her awake all night, only remembering the gentle and clumsy touch of her brother's hand as he smoothed the corners of the blanket.

The dim light of the lamp cast a gloomy hue. Yao Ying stared at the slender hand at the edge of the bed and slowly raised her gaze, where she saw a grimacing demon mask.

She was taken aback and drowsily thought that this dream was somewhat terrifying.

Continuing her gaze upward, she saw a pair of deep green eyes quietly gazing at her, their gaze subdued.

A warmth flickered in Yao Ying's eyes.

The accumulated grievances, fears, helplessness, and loneliness surged up from the depths of her heart like rolling tides, suddenly bursting forth.

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