Chapter 83

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At nightfall, the camp slowly quieted down.

Yaoying's heart was pounding and she listened carefully.

Outside the tent, there was the sound of conversation, and the Hu girl who had taken her night pearl had lured the other Hu girls away.

Yaoying waited patiently for a while longer.

In the stillness of the night, there were a few questioning shouts, followed by the chaotic sound of horses' hooves. Someone shouted to gather men, and the swaying flame of a fire projected onto the tent. Shortly after, the wind carried the sound of a crackling combustion.

Shouts sprang from all around: "Enemy attack!"

Half of the guards ran to put out the fire, and half ran to stop the attackers. With Haidu Aling gone, the guards were not as organized as usual, like a thunder of dragons without a head1.

Some of the imprisoned captives crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands, shaking all over, while others looked around for a while and fled into the darkness of the night.

The camp was a mess.

The personal soldiers used the dagger Yaoying gave them to cut off the shackles on their feet, picked up Xie Qing, and escaped from the cage in the chaos to find Yaoying's tent.

Yaoying pointed to the east: "There are horses to the east!"

The personal soldiers picked up a few weapons dropped by the dead guards, circled around Yaoying, and ran towards the east.

The Northern Rong were busy killing each other, and the Hu girl was nowhere to be seen. Yaoying had long ago tied up her long hair and changed her attire, so the guards temporarily did not notice her disappearance. She and her personal soldiers mixed in with the scattered captives and slowly approached the east.

A few Northern Rong killed in front of her, screaming and shouting, attracting a dozen guards.

The personal soldiers drew their swords, gritted their teeth, and killed their way through. Finally, they saw a dozen horses tied up in the eastern horse pen.

The guards caught up with them, and the personal soldiers did not dare to delay, supporting Yaoying and Xie Qing onto horses. One person to a horse, they fiercely smacked the horse's belly and rushed out of the camp.

The night was deep. They ran wildly for several hours and did not know how far they had run. It was gradually becoming light. Behind them was a vast expanse of yellow sand, and in front of them were also rising and falling sand dunes, with only the occasional dried plant in addition to rock piles that had been eroded by the wind for years.

The personal soldiers looked at each other.

They could discern their direction by the rising sun, but they did not know which direction to flee.

After a few moments of discussion, the men decided to continue heading east.

Soon after, they realized they were lost.

Yaoying lifted the light veil over her face and sighed as she looked at the endless dunes in the distance.

She knew that Haidu Aling and Wakhan's sons did not get along. She secretly let out the news, making the other princes suspect that Haidu Aling's camp was hiding a lot of gold, silver, and jewels stolen from Helong, as well as weapons.

Haidu Aling had long been secretly cultivating manpower and had indeed embezzled many treasures. Several princes had long ago heard about this. Hearing the rumors once again, their suspicions grew as expected, and they sent people to ask around.

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