Chapter 142: Making a Decision

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After a stretch of silence, it was Li Xuanzhen who broke the silence: "Why do you say that?"

His voice was low and dark, seemingly restraining something.

Du Sinan slowly said, "The letter that Princess Wenzhao sent back not only reminded me to guard against the Northern Rong, Southern Chu, and Western Shu but also pointed out that there are many contradictions between Southern Chu and Western Shu. Princess Wenzhao said it would only take using the Qianzhong Road as bait to cause the two countries to turn against each other. In addition, the letter mentioned the strife in the Southern Chu court. To change Southern Chu's Crown Prince this time around, it was Princess Wenzhao's ploy that I used.

"Princess Wenzhao seems to know Southern Chu and Western Shu like the back of her hand. The two countries' reactions were exactly like what she predicted in her letter. She said that the alliance between Southern Chu and Western Shu is not strong and that it only takes a little provocation to break down the relationship between the two countries. Du mou thinks that Princess Wenzhao has foresight as if she is divine."

This time, Li Xuanzhen was silent for even longer. The tea's steam rising in spirals seemed to cast a layer of dark clouds over his elegant side profile.

Zheng Jing interjected, "Princess Wenzhao grew up in Jingnan. Jingnan is close to Southern Chu and Western Shu, and the Xie family has been operating in Jingnan for many years, so it's not surprising that Princess Wenzhao is so knowledgeable about Southern Chu and Western Shu."

Li Xuanzhen faintly hummed, sitting there lost in thought, his eyes blank.

Du Sinan could not help but ask, "What does Your Highness think of this plan?"

Li Xuanzhen returned to his senses and pondered for a long time, silently mulling over the conversation he had just had.

If the plan went smoothly, Great Wei would be able to achieve the impressive feat of unifying the world at the quickest speed using the least amount of effort.

Then, when Great Wei pacifies the world and leads its troops to the west, they will have sufficient troops to fight against the Northern Rong.

With the decision made in his mind, he said to Du Sinan, "Du Sheren is worthy of being His Majesty's Zifang—planning strategies and obtaining victory from a thousand miles away."

Du Sinan said, "Your Highness flatters me."

His tone was modest, but the look on his face carried some icy arrogance, seeming to say, "Who else but me?"

Zheng Jing secretly shook his head.

Li Xuanzhen entered the palace to see the Emperor and discuss the specific plan with Li De. The other two took their leave and left. Zheng Jing reminded Du Sinan: "Du Sheren has been in the limelight too much recently. Beware of being the tallest tree in the forest."

*Tallest tree in the forest, destroyed by the wind (木秀于林,风必摧之). , it means the most outstanding people easily receive jealousy and blame and are often targeted.

Du Sinan coldly laughed: "Zheng Shilang and I are different. Zheng Shilang is the descendant of a famous noble family. You have just entered the court and are already in the Son of Heaven's inner circle. I, Du Sinan, am of humble origins. Ten years of strenuous study, hard work for a lifetime, but I can only make wedding clothes for people like Zheng Shilang. Now, His sagacious Majesty granted me the chance to prove myself. How can I let go of this opportunity to make a name for myself? Even if it is the cunning rabbit dies, the hunting dog cooked, I, Du Sinan, will still become a man of honor, fulfill my ambitions, and make unparalleled achievements."

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