Chapter 58: Married Away

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The banquet happening off the platform was still a peaceful and joyful affair, with laughter and copious drinking.

Yaoying gathered her skirt and exited the hall through the pavilion behind the corridor, when she suddenly felt a sharp, knife-like line of sight fall on her body. Apprehension spread in her heart and she swept a glance in her peripheral vision.

By chance, she met the eyes of the other party.

With braided hair draped over his shoulders, wearing the round-collared embroidered brocade robe of a foreigner, it was a man with a high nose, dark eyes, broad shoulders, and strong body. He was carelessly drinking as his eyes looked her up and down.

It was as if he was sizing up his prey.

Under the candlelight, his deep eyes seemed to glow with a faint golden color.

Yaoying promptly withdrew her eyes and walked out of the hall with quickened steps, a vague uneasiness surging in her heart.

Xie Qing followed behind her and said, "That man is Tribal Chief Yelu's son."

Yaoying closed her eyes, her palms ice-cold.

Tribal Chief Yelu was old, his sons in their prime.

She walked briskly down the long steps. A shadow appeared diagonal to them. A large, rough hand reaching out to grip her hand.

Yaoying raised her head.

Li Xuanzhen grabbed her hand, gnashing his teeth: "Where is Yun niang?"

The moonlight shone down, enveloping Yaoying's upturned, pretty face.

Li Xuanzhen glowered at her angrily and was suddenly stunned.

Yaoying's face was calm, her eyes as dark as the abyss under the moonlight. A few beads of crimson blood were splattered on her smooth cheeks.

The bloodstains were gorgeous, setting off her skin paler than snow.

Akin to a flower blooming in a dense fog; a graceful silhouette leisurely stretching in the indistinct haziness of the rising moon.

Quiet and exquisite.

Bright and beautiful.

Carrying a bit of charm.

Li Xuanzhen's fingers trembled.

Yaoying coldly said: "Crown Prince ought to go ask His Majesty. The one who took Zhu Luyun was not me."

Li Xuanzhen looked down at her, his phoenix eyes upturned, the pupils gloomy: "Seventh younger sister is so calculating; dealing with me first then with His Majesty."

Yaoying smiled faintly, "Eldest brother, a Hu tribe such as the Yelu tribe will not be faithful and true to the Wei empire. Even if they are related by marriage to the Wei empire, they may still rebel at any time. Rcing Zhu Luyun to marry off, this move is very inauspicious for me. Of course I have to take the opportunity to ask His Majesty for some payment."

She broke away from Li Xuanzhen's hand.

"The deal you and I made was for me to offer to marry on my own accord. Now that the marriage decree has been given and you got what you wanted, I did not do anything to break the contract, did I?"

Yaoying knew that the Eastern Palace did not dare to divulge the deal between them.

So, she might as well exploit the deal to its fullest extent.

Li Xuanzhen loosened his grip.

Yaoying walked past him.

Li Xuanzhen's voice came from behind her, "Seventh younger sister, I will not let you see Li Zhongqian before you and Tribal Chief Yelu are married."

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