Chapter 93: Retrieval

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Banruo rode out of the Holy City, straight to the Yunfu City. Halfway there, he met Princess Chima returning to the Royal Court.

Sand and dust were surging and flying on the road. The young man walking in the front of the caravan had a high nose and deep eyes, his body tall and sturdy astride his steed. With a long sword at his waist, he wore a peacock blue elbow-length brocade robe, knee-high boots, a short dagger on his belt, and a white robe with gold patterns around his shoulders, the attire of an army general of the Royal Court.

Banruo greeted him: "General Ashina!"

Ashina Bisha recognized Banruo. Letting go of the reins, his turquoise eyes flashed with worry: "Why did you leave the king's side?"

Banruo urged his horse forward and whispered in a choked voice: "Venerable Mondatipa said that the king would not last for many more days!"

Ashina Bisha raised his head. Looking in the direction of the Royal Court, with tears shining faintly in his eyes, his hands clenched into fists.

Banruo wiped the corner of his eyes, taking out the letter written by Li Yaoying: "Now the only way to save the king is to find the water anise herb. This Wei Empire princess said her dowry had water anise, and Northern Rong's Prince Haidu Aling took her dowry. We must retrieve her dowry in order to find those herbs."

He finished the story in a few words.

While they were talking, the procession stopped. Princess Chima, with red hair and brown eyes and a light veil over her face, got off the carriage with the help of her maid. Frowning slightly, she asked, "Why did we stop?"

Bisha instructed the maid to retreat and told Princess Chima about the water anise herb.

Banruo anxiously scratched his head: "Princess, what should we do now? Should we try this Wei Empire Princess's method? The Venerable Master said that if it were not for the Princess of the Wei Empire who handled the customs clearance paperwork for him and generously gave him a carriage and horses to travel, he couldn't have crossed the blockade to arrive at the Royal Court. He said that this was all Buddha's arrangement."

He was certainly angry because Li Yaoying blasphemed Buddha's son, but in a life-or-death situation, he preferred to believe that it was really as the rumors were saying: Buddha's son was Ananda, the Wei Empire Princess was Buddha's son Mordenga Maiden, and she was sent by Buddha to test Buddha's son.

Then, that meant that Buddha's son could be saved; Ananda ultimately passed the trial, Buddha's son could do it as well!

Yaoying's letter was written in Chinese characters and the Turkic language. Bisha was a descendent of the Turkic royal family, so he naturally recognized the Turkic language.

He looked down at the letter, wrinkling his brows in contemplation.

Princess Chima coldly sent a glance at Banruo and said angrily, "Roga is a prince of the Royal Court, a noble Buddha's son! How could he be involved with a lowly Han girl!"

At her words, Bisha smiled and raised his head, his gaze slightly cold: "Roga is very sick. Only the Anxi Pill can temporarily ease his pain."

Princess Chima laughed coldly: "More than two hundred people from my clan have lost their lives at the hands of the Han Chinese. They are the Royal Court's enemy. I hate that I can't consume their flesh, drink their blood! Roga is the monarch of the Royal Court; he will not forget the Royal Court's blood feud!"

Banruo remembered Tumoroga's life history and did not dare to make a sound.

Bisha's face did not change. Pivoting his horse, he turned a different way, "Princess, do you know why Roga asked me to send you to Yunfu City?"

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