Chapter 20

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I followed behind Eustace as we walked into the wind on what looked like a forever path with just rocks and sand all around us.

"Oh yes, follow the imaginary Blue Star to the island of Ramanadoodoo. Lay the seven steak knives at the table of the talking lion. Ninnies." Eustace snorted.

"Oh come on, Eustace have a little fun man. It's an adventure!" I told him. "Adventure?! All you've lot been doing is leave me behind!" He yelled at me.

"Wow man, not me, them. Don't forget I'm just as left behind as you." I held up my hands in defence. "You're right, I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Wow a apology from the Eustace! Didn't see thay coming" I smiled at him. He turned to me angry "I take it back". "Can't take back, what has already been said" I teased him.

Then he suddenly stopped walking and when I caught up to him I saw why. On the ground was a lot of gold and when I say a lot I mean A LOT.

"What is that" Eustace said and the ground under him broke down and he fell down to the bottom.

" Are you okay?!" I yelled after him and looked for a way down. When I found one I carefully walked to him.

"I must be dead" Eustace said in shock of all the gold around us. "If you're dead, I must be too".

Eustace wasted no time in grabbing as many gold as he could. "Uh Eustace, buddy, I don't think we should touch anything." I warned him.

"Eustace I really think this is a bad idea, what if this is a dragons home" I told him. "Dragons?! There is no such thing as dragons" He said.

"Well at first I thought there was no such thing as Narnia and here we are" I told him. Eustace then got distracted by a bracelet, but got shocked when he saw a skeleton next to it.

"Bet he didn't listen" I joked. Eustace pushed the skeleton to the ground and took the bracelet. "You really shouldn't touch a dead persons property." I warned him one last time.

Eustace put on the bracelet anyways. "Won't be needing that, now would you." He told the skeleton and continued grabbing more gold.

"I'm going back, just know I warned you." i told him and walked back to the boat as I knew there was nothing I could for him now.

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