After he finished drinking, he cleared his throat and said, "Thank you. In fact, it's hard to say, but it's not hard to say it's not." He glanced to the left, and Fang Hao also had a smile on his face, and then he Said: "Bless your career, but no need to wish you love."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his long arms and put them on the back of Fang Hao's seat. Everyone at the table understood what he meant and started to boo.

Chen Jiayu didn't seem to hear him. He just said to Lu Yan alone: ​​"It has not been easy for you in the past six months. I also wish you a smooth career and life in the future." He knew that Lu Yan changed careers and became a project manager in a company of a friend of Zhao Xinlei. , Lu Yan is popular and knows how to manage relationships. For the position of project manager, which coordinates the work of multiple functional teams at the same time and manages the project progress under high pressure, she is also very comfortable in it.

When the meal was almost done, Fang Hao took the opportunity to leave the table, stood up and went out from the door of the private room. Chen Jiayu kept looking at him. He seemed to have guessed what Fang Hao was going to do, but he didn't reveal it.

Sure enough, Fang Hao came back five minutes after going out. When he came back, he had a cake box in his hand.

Chen Jiayu didn't expect it. In fact, at their house last night, he watched Fang Hao making secret phone calls. At that time, he guessed about 70% or 80%, but he still pretended to be surprised. The last time he celebrated his birthday so legitimately on a regular day, including eating birthday cake, was when he had two birthdays. He thought that he didn't need it. He was already a big boy, so it was okay to spend his birthday alone. But Fang Hao spent all this time and worked hard. Now when the birthday cake is placed on the table, Chen Jiayu not only likes it, but also has face.

As soon as the cake box was opened, everyone made a fuss again - the cake was white, in the shape of a very elegant naked cake, with no extra decoration on purpose. There was no cream or frosting on the outside, but the baked color of a sponge. Sure enough, the side shape of an airplane was painted on the top layer. The cake maker worked hard to paint the phoenix on the tail fin. Maybe only the color was right. There is a serial number written on the underside of the plane, "CA 1332." Next to it, of course, are the big words Happy Birthday.

Chen Jiayu looked at it and smiled: "It's so beautiful. Thank you. It's so distracting. I don't even want to eat it."

Fang Hao nodded with a smile and said, "You still have to eat it. I know you don't like greasy food. This one has less cream."

Then he suddenly remembered something and asked Fang Hao: "Did the cake shop deliver it to the restaurant?" He came with Fang Hao all the way, and it was impossible for him to hide a cake from himself the whole time.

Fang Hao told the truth at this moment: "No, I asked Shengjie to pick up the one that was delivered. He happened to be practicing driving." Fang Shengjie happened to be in Beijing. He had just signed up for the driving school and was currently practicing.

Chen Jiayu quickly said: "Then ask Shengjie to come in and eat together. If I had known he was in Beijing, I would have invited him."

"'s hard to let him drink." Fang Hao's first reaction was to forget it. After all, it was Chen Jiayu's birthday, not his own.

"He hasn't left yet, has he?" Chen Jiayu stood up first after finishing speaking, "I'll go outside and ask him to come in."

When Fang Hao saw how insistent he was, he said, "It's okay, just sit down and I'll call you."

When Fang Shengjie came in, of course he wished him a happy birthday and greeted all the brothers and sisters present. After praising his sweetness, Chen Jiayu went to get a knife from the packaging box and prepared to cut the cake. At this time, Zhou Qichen's sharp eyes noticed that : "Hey, what's the origin of CA1332?"

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