The City Of Sleeping People part 3

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"Who is back? Who is she?" Mrs.Hudson asked.

"Eurus." Jane replied turning on her heels to face them. "She is back. How didn't I see this coming? Why was I too fool?" 

"How do you know this is her doing?" Sherlock inquired.

"We talked. She said that her goal after The Great Game was The City Of Sleeping People." Jane explained swiftly.

"They are not dead?" John asked.

"No, they are not. Well, maybe they are. All I know is that Eurus has done it. She said that they would be asleep due to the drug in the air, but not dead. However, I can't be so sure when we are talking about Eurus." Jane responded.

"Is she after you?" Sherlock asked.

"I don't know. Probably yes. She treats me like a hunt which increases the level of danger for me." Jane replied. "Have you called to the people you know?" 

"What is her purpose?" Lestrade asked. "This is all so meaningless."

"She likes playing with us. She is a drama queen like someone I know." Jane spoke.

"Really? Even now?" Sherlock protested.

"Till the time you stop being one." Jane answered.

"What will we do now?" Lestrade asked.

"Wait for her next move." Jane responded.

"It is dangerous." John spoke.

"For you: no. For me: yes. She got everything she wanted from you. She won't disturb you." Jane answered calmly. "Is everyone alright?"

"Molly is in the laboratory. I am calling the others now." Lestrade said.

"Why are you so calm while you are in grave danger?" John asked.

"I have a big experience of being in the grave danger and panic, fear never saves you. Also, my behaviour isn't the main problem now." Jane responded. "I guess you don't need me here. I am in my flat."

With these words she left and went to her messy flat. Jane knew more than she said. She knew that Eurus would send a sign to her. Jane also was sure that this time she was going to die or stop this all. No, she wasn't planning to kill Eurus. Just trapping her to somewhere safer and more isolated than Sherrinford. Mycroft wasn't able to deal with her.

When she raised her head she saw Mary in front her.

"Hello." Jane said.

"Hi." Mary added. "How are you?" 

"Embarrassed to admit that I am afraid." Jane replied. 

"From Eurus?" Mary asked.

"From myself, from the things that can happen to me, from the things I can do, harm I can cause." Jane replied.

"Can you kill her?" Mary asked.

"Not on purpose. My flared up temper can make me kill her." Jane responded.

"Why don't you check for signs?" Mary inquired.

"I will. I need to think and plan." Jane answered.

"If she calls you, you will need to go. She would find and take you if you didn't go. Also, you couldn't stay in all those curiosity." Mary remarked.

"You are right. Let's see what is going on now." Jane stood up from her armchair and opened the laptop which was on the table. She sat down in the chair and opened the video that was sent to laptop. Eurus's face was seen on the screen.

Hello. How are you? Have you missed me? We will meet soon. I will wait for you at 1 o'clock tonight. The Brick Lane; The restaurant named Morte. We need to talk.

That is it, that is the end of the road. There is no light there. There is no hope anymore. No where to go, no way to escape. Jane was in a death road. There was no way back. There was no light ahead. But, all she could do was walking straight into the darkness. The Queen Of Death walking straight to the Death.

"Does this mean that there is no drug in the air?" Mary inquired. 

"Yes, she probably gave money to people to pretend sleeping." Jane answered. 

"What do we do now?" Mary asked.

"Wait until 1:00." Jane answered.

"Will you go?" Mary inquired.

"Of course, I will. If I don't, she will come and take me. I would rather go there with pride." Jane explained.

"You are right. But, Sherlock and others will be mad at you." Mary spoke.

"There is nothing I can do. I will leave the laptop open to give Sherlock a hint. He may be fast and find me before I die." Jane stated.

"Let's get ready for the battle then." Mary told.

"Mentally or physically?" Jane asked.

"Do you have a bucket list?" Mary inquired.

"No, I don't have." Jane replied.

"Then, get suited. Be dark to go to the dark." Mary said.

Jane stood up, went to her bedroom. She opened the wardrobe to reveal dozens of same suits.(The suit at The Identity Of Jane Austen part 1). There was just one different suit. The only difference was that blouse was black.  

"We are ready." Jane said. 

"It is all complete." Mary spoke. "You are talented at dressing up without looking at the mirror."

"Time taught me." Jane stated. "Let's go." 

Jane left the flat at 12:45. She was walking in the dark streets as cabbies were asleep. People were sleeping on the ground. They were all peaceful like a woman won't die early.

"You shouldn't be sure that you will die." Mary said. She was walking beside Jane.

"I am sure, but you can not to be." Jane spoke.

After thirteen minutes, Jane arrived to the Brick Lane. And at 1 o'clock Jane was at the Morte. She saw that Eurus was already there.

"Hello" Eurus greeted her.

"Hi." Jane said.

"Let's go to somewhere more private." Eurus stood up lead Jane to the kitchen of the restaurant.

Nobody seemed to mind them as if two women walking at the kitchen of a restaurant was completely normal. They went to the door at the end of the kitchen. Eurus unlocked the door with a key and they entered a semi-dark room. The one light source was red led lights. There were only two wooden chairs in the whole room.

"Take a seat." Eurus pointed the chair and sat on the other one. "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Then you don't know me well." Jane said. "Wouldn't you take me from my flat if I didn't come." 

"Unlike me, you know me very well." Eurus cheered. "I guess, you know what I will do to you as well." 

"Of course. You will end this all up. You will kill me or take me as a prisoner." Jane replied simply.

"Perfect. You are very intelligent. How sad that your this intelligent brain needs to be turned off." Eurus stated.

"Why are you doing this all?" Jane asked.

"Sherlock would never forgive me if he saw you every day." Eurus responded.

"Will Sherlock forgive you if you kill me?" Jane inquired.

"Do you think you are that important to my brother?" Eurus asked. "Back to the matter on the hand." 

With her words five men came to the room. 

"You will never be brave enough to deal with me alone." Jane remarked.  

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