The City Of Sleeping People part 1

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"I have made a coffee for you." Sherlock said leaving kitchen with a mug. 

Sherlock was definetly underestimating John as he was wearing labarotory glasses and it was obvious that he had drugged the coffee. 

"I know what you are trying to do. I am not a fool." John said angrily. 

"What do you mean?" Sherlock tried his best to sound innocent. 

"I mean that i know this coffee is drugged." John spelled each word with anger. 

"Some of the chemicals that i was working with may be in it due to clumsiness." Sherlock spoke. 

"I won't drink it." John stated. "And now I won't stay here in case you wanted to give it to me secretly." 

Sherlock sighed, got back to the kitchen and John left the flat. After deciding for a time, Jane told:

"Do you mind if I drink the coffee?" 

"What?" Sherlock got surprised. It was crazy tging to do even to Sherlock's standards. 

"I want to drink the coffee." Jane repeated. 

"You know that it is drugged?" Sherlock spoke getting to the kitchen. 

"I perfectly know and i insist on drinking it. Didn't you want to test it? This is your chance. I want to drink it." Jane said. 

"Why would you-" Sherlock talked but Jane interrupted him

"Shut up and give me that coffee." Jane ordered him.

She was the only person being able to order him and force him to do something. 

Sherlock obeyed and handed her the mug. 

"Look, it can give-" Sherlock started speaking but saw that he was a bit late since Jane had already drank the coffee. "-Well, uhm, it can give you a headache after the sleep as you know." 

"How much will it take to sleep? I guess 7 minutes." She remarked.

"If we consider your health state, it will take 6 minutes." Sherlock spoke. 

"Bet?" Jane asked. 

"If I win, you will never tell again that you are smarter than me." Sherlock told. 

"If I win the bet,  you will admit that I am more intelligent." Jane said

"I can't  admit something that isn't real." Sherlock stated. 

Jane chuckled. Some minutes later Jane told:

"You lost!" Jane cheered. 

"You can still lose the bet as well." Sherlock replied. 

But, Sherlck was wrong. Jane fell asleep in armchair a minute later

Fire. Fire was all she  could see. Everywhere was on fire. Bright flames were touching the stone walls and was leaving black marks. Flames were colourful: orange, yellow, red. Jane saw them; her most loved ones laying among flames: Lisa, Alice (her stepmother) , Emma (her mother) , Jean, Mary Morstan, Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Molly, Rosy. 

Jane herself was in the middle of the burning room. However the place she was on wasn't burning. She wanted to save them, scream, want help. But, she could  help them, but she did nothing. She was just staring as she did in the past events when her family members were being killed. 

'I am useless. I am just a mess. I can never do anything. All i can do is watching everybody i love die in front of me.'  Jane could hear her voice while she wasn't talking. The words were being said again and again. She was trying to not to hear them by closing her ears. However, it was no use. 

Suddenly, a was felt on her scarred arm. Her scar was burning in pain. The cause of the sudden pain was unknown. The pain got worse and worse by any minutes and soon it became intolerable which woke Jane up breathlessly. 

10 minutes ago

Jane fell asleep inthe armchair. Sherlock took a paper, knelt down near her on the floor, started checking her up and writing down something on the paper. 

Minutes later Sherlock saw a mimic of pain on Jane's face. 

'What the hell is going on?'  Sherlock thought. 

Her breath and heart beat had slowed down. Her face has gone more pale. 

What was wrong? Sherlock had no idea on what was going on. He tried to wake her up by calling and shaking her. Due to her flinching Sherlock figured out that Jane was having a nightmare. 

Her breath and heart beat was getting worse by any minute. Sherlock was cursing himself for allowing her to drug herself. Sherlock was trying to not to think about the possibility of Jane not waking up. She had to wake up. But how? 

Suddenly, he remembered. 

Mrs.Hudson started observing her and then touched to her arm. Surprisingly, she jumped and sat on the couch. She was out of her breath like she had run for hours. 

The scar, he had to touch it. Sherlock touched her arm and the excepted result was gained. Jane's eyes opened and she started breathing fastly. 

"Are you alright?" Sherlock questioned in worry. 

Jane nod her head and and took the old lighter out of her pocket. Her blue, watery eyes reflected the lighter's flame. Jane's breath was getting normal as she watched it. You can't waste your life which had been gifted to you with your family members' sacrifice. Jane thought. This thought was the only thing keeping her alive through years. 

"I am good."  Jane spoke once she could breath properly. 

"I am sorry." Sherlock said looking at the floor. 

"It wasn't your fault. It is my stupidity to think that this drug can give me a peaceful sleep after many years. I insisted on taking it. It is not your fault. Do you understand?" Jane told. 

Sherlock nodded without liftinh his head. 

"Will you look at me now?" Jane asked. 

Sherlock lifted his head up and looked into her eyes. 

"Are you alright?" He inquired. 

"Why, I am feeling perfect. Yet i will be better if you keep your promise." Jane responded with a smirk. 

"Okay, you are smarter than me. Are you happy?" Sherlock was trying to look angry but was unsuccessful.

"Yes, very happy." Jane replied.

The Queen of Death (Sherlock bbc fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz