His Last Vow part 2

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Hours later, Lestrade responded Sherlock's text.

"I am glad you found out it. Here is the list top five wealthiest men in London. First four are killed.

1.Kingstone Abbot

2.William Charlton

3.Phillip Carter

4.Harper Derby

5.Nicolas Cooper"

Sherlock got extremely excited after seeing this text and started typing.

"Send me his location.And if it is possible take your workers and go there. I will come too.-SH"

"No, you won't. You promised John. I will take her to Baker Street."

"If you can't find her in the house go to the nearest train station.- SH"

Sherlock started pacing in the room and complaining under his breath. Afterwards, John came to visit him.

"What is wrong?" He asked

"What is wrong? Lestrade is going to arrest the murderer and I couldn't go just because of your meaningless prohibition."

"Sherlock you were shot..." John said

"I was shot a week ago. I have recovered from it. I am out of the hospital. I can even run. And even if something happens to me it will hurt me, not you." Sherlock interrupted him.

"I am your friend. And I don't want you to live pain. I can't let you to do this to yourself." John yelled.

"Boys, calm down." Mrs.Hudson came in and said. "Lestrade is coming."

The door creaked open and Lestrade entered with a woman. She was drugged so that Lestrade and a policeman was holding her from her arms. They sat her down at John's armchair. Lestrade made gesture to policeman to show him to wait at the door. John was trying wake her up. And once policeman went she woke up unexpectedly.

"I guess everybody has gone." She said.

They were surprised to hear this. What was going on?

"Oh, I am so sorry. It is my fault." She said and took her wig, lenses and makeup off.

They were pretty surprised to see Jane Foster in front of them.

"We can talk when you stop making surprised faces. And Lestrade I had to borrow your gun. By the way don't waste your time by trying to call anyone. It won't work. You won't invite policeman here too, of course, if you don't want to die." Jane said and pointed gun Lestrade. "So, basicaly, you don't have any way out of here until I want. And don't worry I won't kill any of you if you don't do something stupid. I just wanted to talk and surprise you."

"What do you want from us? Do you want to kill us?" John asked

"Let's start with the first question. First mistake: Not from you, my problem is with Sherlock. Second mistake: I don't want anything from anyone. I just have fun." Jane said

"Have fun? You have killed people who has their families, children." John said.

"Let me ask you a question. Is it better for someone to see their parent's death or learn from childhood that their parent is dead?"

"I don't want to compare anything. However, I am sure that growing up as an orphan isn't good." John said

"Well, we will talk all of this at the end. All of the reasons and consequences. About second question. I don't want to kill you. And if I did, I would do it easily." Jane said and then started moving her fingers in a rhythm. Sherlock fixed his eyes on her fingers. "Let's start from you..." Sherlock followed the rhythm carefully, translated it from morse code and got the word - 'Protect'.

"...John. Do you remember Amber Bailey? An old granny, your neighbour. That woman was me. Do you think it would be hard to kill you?"

She then tapped the word 'and'. "Protect John and.." Sherlock thought.

"Let us continue with Sherlock. Evelyn Barton, living at the neighbourhood. She was me too."

It was 'Protect John and Sherlock'. So, naturally she tried to say 'Protect John and yourself'. She started tapping again.

"Then there's Mycroft, your brother. There is a woman, his assistant. Ophelia Belton. She is me too."

First she tapped the morse code type of the word 'ask'. Afterwards, 'for', 'your', 'enemy', 'from' was translated by Sherlock. And he got 'Protect John and yourself. Ask for your enemy from Mycroft.'. "Why is she trying to help him? Why isn't she telling this all? What the hell is going on?"- Sherlock thought.
"So, did we clarify that I am not going to kill you?" Jane asked. Footsteps could be heard on upstairs. Minutes later, Mary entered with Rosy. Jane turned to see the one who was coming and her expression changed. She was surprised. "Why is she surprised?" Sherlock thought.

"Why did you come?" John asked in anger. Jane saw Sherlock was looking at her so that she hid her surprise with a murderous smile.

"Why shouldn't I?" Mary asked and then saw Jane. "Oh my God. What is she doing here?"

"Well, I should go. It's late. See you soon." Jane said and left the flat hurriedly.

Sherlock was in deep thoughts. He thought that Jane was going to say something else and she knew Mary from some time. However, Mary didn't seem to know her. 'Protect John and yourself. Ask for your enemy from Mycroft.'. What did this all mean? It was all secret for him.


One chapter later I will finish with BBC and you will see my storyline. (It all went too fast so that I can't still believe.)

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