The Lonely Man part 2

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"If we are going to stay there you need to pack." John said in his scolding voice.

John had already packed and given Rosie to Mrs. Hudson. Jane and Sherlock saw that there is no way out so that they stood up to pack with bored expressions.

"Alright, I will be in five minutes." Jane said walking thoughtfully and leaving the flat to go to hers.


They were finally ready to go. After a long argument Sherlock agreed to let John to drive the car as Sherlock didn't have a driving license, so, Jane and Sherlock was at the backseat completely in silence. 

"Won't you really chat during the road?" John said.

"Why would we need to?" Sherlock asked.

"Because, it is boring." John said.

"Should I talk about crime?" Sherlock said.

"It is better than silence." John said.

"Alright, then if we consider that he doesn't have any bruises we can surely say that he was poisoned. There are no traces of it in his blood. So  I think I need to see the crime scene, corpse to decide the method that was used to kill him." Sherlock said.

"Then what?" John asked.

"We will question the people he has met in past week. Investigate them and come to the conclusion." Sherlock said.

John was probably going to ask more questions, but they arrived and to avoid all of his questions Sherlock jumped from his seat.

"First of all, we needed to book a room. There are too many tourists here." Sherlock said when he saw that John was opening his mouth to ask something judging from his expression.

They entered a small, two floored hotel. the first floor was containing the reception, the kitchen and the restaurant. They walked towards the beautiful, cute receptionist who was named Milly according to her badge.

"Do you have three rooms for two days? It can be longer based on the investigation." Sherlock said.

"Let me take a look." Milly said and added after checking the list on her computer. "Yes, there are three rooms in neighbourhood, Can I have your passports please."


"When are we going? - JA"

Jane typed to Sherlock and John after pacing in the room for past half an hour.

They agreed to go to the crime scene as soon as they were unpacked. Despite, It has already been an hour, there was no news from the boys.

The beep was heard from the phone and Jane looked at it rapidly.

"We are waiting for John. - SH" 

She let out a sigh and tossed the phone onto the bed. What was taking him this long? Was he moving in turtle speed or he brought too many clothes? Probably the second option- Jane deduced- he didn't have any dates tonight.


They got into the crime scene, Charles Willington's flat. The corpse was moved, nevertheless the surroundings didn't seem to be changed. 

"Hello, Mr.Holmes. I am inspector Henry. We were notified of your feasible arrival." The inspector said.

"Then, you know my terms." Sherlock stated. 

Confused man figured out what Sherlock meant and made a gesture sowing the team leave.

Sherlock and others got near to the table. He got sample of the meal meanwhile Jane was walking around the room, deducing and looking everywhere, even to the other rooms, carefully.

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