The Return Of The Woman part 4

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New Year day

Jane was alone, completely alone. As she always was. Wasn't it strange that this was hurting her more this time? She was homesick for a place that didn't exist. A place where she was loved, a place she was understood, a place where her soul was peaceful and her heart was full. She knew that this would never happen to her. She could never be happy and this was her punishment.

Her heart was so heavy with loneliness so that she couldn't cry. She was silent. Silent like a     night. She would always be silent when she was sad. 

Jane hoped sitting on the couch to fall asleep before she fell apart. 

She was remembering Sherlock's words again and again.

"Really? You don't have friends. You don't have a family either. Whom will you visit?"

She had nobody. She was nothing to anybody - even to herself. Not a friend, not a sister, daughter - nothing. Imaginary Jean wasn't on sight as well.

She always hurried to save someone, to work or somewhere else. Jane hadn't realised her life, her feelings while being busy with others' lives. She trapped her feelings and life in a box, put it deep inside and threw its key away. But, they found it and now the angry feelings were flooding onto her.

Jane was in her house. Due to her profession she was rich and had a big house. The house was similar with her flat in Baker Street. The house was dark and cold. There was a few furniture. the windows were closed and there was no mirrors.

Jane stood up, looked at the clock. Half past twelve. The party has probably finished. She could go to her flat. She left the house and got into a cab. After 10 or more minutes she arrived to the Baker Street. She decided to look if everything was alright at 221B's before going to her flat. 

The door was half-open. Jane looked at the flat from the door. Her mouth fell wide-open at the view.

Irene was kissing Sherlock from his lips in the living room. 

Jane rushed to her flat after seeing this in the most quiet way. She started packing. She opened a drawer full of her fake passports and took one. Later, she put the passport, makeup tools and some clothes into a bag. Jane took a post-it and wrote:

I am far away

She did this as she had promised to inform Sherlock of her departure. She took her bag, left the flat. She hesitated whether to see Mrs.Hudson or not. She decided to not to do it. Jane knew if she saw Mrs.Hudson, she wouldn't be able to shut up and go. 

She got into a taxi to go to the airport. There was no need to her anymore.


A few minutes ago

"I am going to the bed." John spoke.

The part had finished, everyone was gone. John went too. 

"Won't you say anything?" Irene asked.

"Why should I?" Sherlock replied with a question.

"It is new year." Irene spoke.

"Then?" Sherlock asked.

"You can reward me." Irene responded.

"With talking?" Sherlock inquired.

"You saved me from death, so I thought your attitude has changed." Irene stated.

"I'll go to my room." Sherlock said trying to escape from the awkward situation.

Irene stood up as Sherlock did and before Sherlock realised she kissed him. He pulled her away.

"You have time to leave till tomorrow morning." Sherlock stated coldly and walked towards his room.

Irene was left at the living room in tears.

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