The Reichenbach Fall part 1

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"Come and play. Tower Hill. Jane Foster."

This was the message which surprised and delighted Sherlock at the same. It looked as if Jane Foster has finally took action.


Lestrade and his team entered vault that has been robed to Jane.She was sitting alone, wearing The Crown of England, the Queen's robe, carrying the sceptre and orb.

"No rush" She said.


Sherlock and John was at the court for Jane's trial.Even though John warned him twelve times to not to be smartarse but it seemed like Sherlock didn't care.After some minutes the probability proved itself and Sherlock got kept at the jail for a day.


"The result of second trial was positive for Jane Foster." John said to Sherlock.

Sherlock put the phone down, stood up, made tea and started playing his violin.

There was footsteps on upstairs.Suddenly Sherlock stopped playing.Jane stood still.THen Sherlock continued.She got to the flat.Sherlock stoped.

"Most people knock." Sherlock said "But then you're not most people I suppose. Kettle's just boiled."

"You're not going to finish your tune? Johann Sebastian Bach would be appalled." Jane said "May I?"

"Please." Sherlock said

"Do you know, when he was on his death bed - Bach - he heard his son at the piano playing one of his ditties? The boy stopped before he got to the end and..." Jane said after sitting down.

"...the dying man jumped up, rushed

to the instrument and finished it." Sherlock said.

"Couldn't cope with an unfinished melody." Jane said

"Neither can you. That's why you've come." Sherlock said.

"I think, you are a tiny bit pleased." Jane said.

"With the verdict?" Sherlock said

"With me, back on the streets. You

need someone to test you. And every fairy-tale needs a good old-fashioned villain." She answered and took the reddest apple from the fruit bowl. "You need me, or you're nothing.

Do you know we're just alike, you and I. Except you're boring and on the side of the angels."

"You got to the jury, of course." Sherlock said

"I got into the Tower Of London. You think I can't worm my way inside twelve hotel bedrooms?" She said and took knife to peel apple.

"Cable network." He said.

"Every hotel bedroom has a personalised TV screen.And everyone has a pressure point.Someone that they want to protect

from harm.Their families, children.Their most loved ones make them easier to harm. Easy-peasy. Back to 221B -" She said.

"So. How are you going to do it? Burn me?" He said.

"I told you how. But you are not careful.The final problem. Have you worked out what it is yet?" Jane said.

But he didn't know and Sherlock hated that.

"Come on,Sherlock.What is the final problem? I told you.But did you listen?" She said and started drumming the edge of the chair in an irregular rhythm. "How hard do you find it, Sherlock - to say "I don't know."?"

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