The Lonely Man part 1

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Jane entered the flat in a pretty strange condition. Her hair was dishevelled, clothes in a dirt, there were some small cuts on her face and she was barefoot. Seeing her like this, John's mouth and eyes widened meanwhile, Sherlock was having breakfast.

"What happened? Are you alright? Has someone attacked you?" John asked in a worry.

"Well, I would say it in opposite way. I attacked him." Jane said calmly.

"What?" John said.

"A man was following me. Naturally, I thought he was going to attack me, so I decided to be the first to act. I did as I thought and he reciprocated to protect himself. Nevertheless, as I am good at fighting I defeated him. Then-" At this point her voice faded. Sherlock was listening to this interesting story too. However, he was making no comments.

"Then?" John asked.

"When I was going to break his arm he said- he said that he actually didn't have any problems with me and he just wanted to get my number." Jane was looking down at her feet while saying these words like they were the most worth seeing thing in the room.

When she eventually raised her head she saw, John was completely red of trying to hold his laughter back as she was In a very bad situation and Sherlock wasn't sure that he heard right so he looked at John. Even if John was avoiding eye contact he looked at Sherlock and consequently they both burst into laughter.

"It is not fair." Jane said. 

"I am so sorry but what isn't fair?" Sherlock managed to say still laughing. "Did I force you to knock out a man wanting your number?"

"I know you didn't, but it still isn't fair." Jane said holding her laughter.

Finally, she gave up and started chuckling with them.


"Hey boys and a girl." Mrs.Hudson said getting in. "I heard you laughing. What was it?" 

"Jane knocked-" John started but Jane interrupted him.

"John, please." She said with a frown.

"Alright, I came to say that the dinner is ready." Mrs.Hudson said.

"Thanks, Mrs.Hudson." John said politely with a smile. "Are you two coming?"

"Nope. I have eaten." They both said.

"It was in the morning." John said.

"Isn't one repast enough?" Jane asked but response was a sigh and eyes rolling. Jane shrugged.

"Why did you come by the way? Was there anything urgent?" Sherlock said when John left and Jane understood he was referring to the morning.

"Well, I was bored so I came to ask if there were any cases considering you wouldn't laugh. I am sure that my prediction skills aren't good now." Jane said and Sherlock chuckled. "Shut up and tell me if there is any cases."

"No there aren't any complicated ones. All of them are dull. Even Scotland Yard workers can solve them." Sherlock said his voice expressing boredom.

"While all of the ordinary people are having fun and are cheerful, we are sitting here dying from boredom. Do they call this justice?" Jane said standing up and looking out from window as if this would help them. "I sometimes miss my former works. Not the last one ,of course."

The silence fell to the flat for some minutes. 

"Why are staring at me?" Jane asked turning her face to Sherlock. Sherlock opened his mouth to say something, but John and Rosy coming back interrupted him.

"Look at Rosy, She is crawling!" John said excitedly. He showed them Rosy crawling on the floor  proudly and difficultly. 

"Mary would be proud of her." Jane said with a smile on her face. Her smile faded when she realised they were staring at her. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Where do you know Mary from?" John asked putting Rosy back to her chair.

"Haven't I said this to you? For some period of time, the government hired me to work for A.G.R.A. I was working as a planner with Mary or Rosamund how you prefer, under the name of Gabriel. Soon, we became friends and I even talked about my job. At our last work things went wrong as you know and I thought she was dead as did. She didn't recognise me as you can guess when we met again here." Jane explained.

"Wow." John was speechless to how strangely connected they were. "It must have been hard, to see that your friend isn't dead after years, to not be able to hug her and to be her villain."

"Said the man who lived the same thing and at that time preferred punching his friend instead of hugging." Jane said sarcastically to stop sad conversation and draw attention back from her.

"Children, you have a client." Mrs.Hudson said from downstairs. The news made Jane and Sherlock smile in excitement and sit at their seat.


"Tell us your case." Sherlock said.

The client was a middle-aged, portly gentleman. He had a round face, bushy eyebrows and short, coarse, black hair. He was wearing a blue suit that was making him look like businessman.

"I am Joseph Taylor. I work at a tourism company at the outskirts of London. There are too many workers but we, team made for 5 of workers including me,Charles and others. We were the most communicating ones. Yesterday, we saw that Charles isn't present. We knew he didn't have a family : his parents were dead and he was unmarried. So, we decided that if he is sick, he will need someone to take care of him. We were going to take turn for this and the fist one was me. After the work I went to his flat. I knocked  the door however even though the lights were on there was none to answer. After 10 minutes I called the landlady to open the door and I entered the flat. There were no traces, footprints or anything else at the entrance. Then I entered the living see him passed out at the chair. Charles's head was in the dish in front of him. He was pale, very pale. There were no bruises on him. I got near to him to check his pulse and found out that he was dead." Joseph completed his story.

"Poison?" John said.

"They didn't find it from the autopsy." Joseph said. "They couldn't find anything at all."

"But, how? What did they show as the crime reason?" John asked.

"Nobody knows. The policemen said that only person who can solve this would be Sherlock Holmes. Will you solve it?" Joseph said.

"Yes, definitely." Sherlock said. "Tell me address and other informations."

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