The Lonely Man part 4

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They left the poison shop hurriedly to go to the killer's house. On the way Sherlock and John changed into their original appearance while Jane was still Jane Foster.

"Is it really a good idea to pay a visit to the murderer?" John asked as they left the Black Forest.

"Isolabella Abberley." Jane remarked.

"What?" John asked.

"Her name, the murderer's name." Jane acknowledged.

"Whoever she is, she is dangerous." John said.

"I am known as the most dangerous person in London and on the top 10 over the world." Jane stated.

"We know you aren't." John said.

"I don't mean that, I mean they all are afraid of me. I am the criminal's best." Jane added.

"You have a great confidence." John spoke.

"Don't you?" Jane said and glared at him with a kind smirk. 

"How can you be very sure that she hasn't moved?" John inquired.

"Well, firstly, this action would draw attention. Secondly, criminals never run away when they commit a crime. Thirdly, she has a strong connection with this house as it was her grandmother' grandmother." Sherlock answered instead of her.

John had no evidences against them so that he followed them. Jane smirked as she saw that Sherlock was  feeling bad because he wasn't the smartest one and promised herself to not to mention of her deductions next time.


The trio entered Ms.Isolabella's house. The house was luxrious in its all meanings. There was antique, expensive, classical furniture. There were beautiful, famous paintings on the grey walls. Although they were still in the corridor, they already had an idea about the magnificence of the old house.

The maid, who was as old as the furniture in the house, led them into the living room. 

"Boys, you will have to do whatever I say. Here rules are a bit different. Be careful to not make a mistake." Jane remarked.

Sherlock and John nod.

After the trio waited for some minutes Isolabella came.

"Good evening, Ms. Abberley." Jane said and made a gesture to tell them to stand up.

​"Good evening." Isolabelle said.

She was a slim, tall, brunette woman. She had brown eyes, thin lips which were giving her a sharp expression. Her elegant actions always suggested to the person in front of her that they belonged to a lower level. The word describing her was 'noble'.

Isolabelle made a gesture telling them to sit down.

"I am Jane Foster. You probably know me." Jane stated. "These are Sherlock Holmes and his partner John Watson." 

"I know of some rumors that you and Mr. Holmes are enemies." Isolabelle spoke.

"We are aware of them. However, we are on good terms now. We have temporarily made peace." Jane explained. 

"Would you want anything to drink?" Isolabelle nod and asked.

"No, thank you very much." Jane answered instead of them.

"May I learn the reason for your unexpected arrival?" Isolabelle asked after making a gesture to let the maid out.

"Of course. Before telling everything to you I need to assure you that we appreciate you very much and we are not blaming you for anything in any way. Please, listen to us before you interfere." Jane spoke. "We were investigating a crime recently. A completely lonely man was found dead in his flat. Eventually, we learnt that he was killed during to the poison in his soap." 

Jane stopped talking and studied the woman's expression. She was scared but was hiding it professionally.

"I learnt that the poison was bought by you in past month. I am not police and you know that I am against them. I don't accuse you." Jane said.

Isolabelle was shocked. She was afraid of being arrested. Nevertheless, these emotions could be seen only for a minute. She took control of herself.

"I have bought any poison nor killed anyone." The woman said furiously.

"Alright, If you want us to apply to policemen, we will. It wouldn't bother us. I just want learn the reason. I can find it somehow, however I prefer hearing it from you." Jane stated.

Isolabelle thought before deciding. She had heard of Jane a lot. They all said the same thing. She would kill cruelly but rarely. She always keeps her words. Isolabelle could trust her.

"I will tell and you will promise to not to mention of this story again." Isolabelle spoke.

"We promise." Jane said.

"Too many years ago when I was young and was living with my parents, everybody would talk about my beauty and elegance. I had many suitors. Nevertheless, I would never accept their proposal. I was waiting for the love of my life: love that will be the subject of novels." Isolabelle said. "Once, in of the dinners I saw him; Charles. The love I was waiting for. Now, looking back to these memories is painful as I consider past myself idiotic. I was only 17 years old. On that day Charles saw me too. he came over to me when everybody was busy and asked me to meet. We met for years secretively. Charles was bringing me presents and we were talking for hours. He would even write poems for me. Everything was going wonderful...until his birthday. I decided to go to his flat. It was very risky nevertheless, I wanted to make him happy. I even bought him a present with he money I saved for years. I got the key from landlady by giving her money and insurance. I got in and saw him with another woman. With the wave of anger I promised myself to not love again and take vengeance one day. I wrote a note warning him that I will be the reason of his death. I guess you know the other details."

"Thank you very much. I don't think words can be enough to express my sorry in this state. And I will be ready to assist you in any case you need me." Jane stated.

"Telling those after years has helped me, thank you too." Isolabelle said

"I guess it is time to leave for us. Thanks for your hospitality. See you later." Jane said.

"See you later." Isolabelle said.

The maid lead them to the door with unchanging mimic.

"Are we going to stay here or go to London?" Jane asked as they left the house.

"I prefer going to the London." Sherlock replied.

"As I do." Jane said.

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