The Final Problem part 2

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They entered a room with a coffin at the centre of it. The room had nothing else remarkable. They were able to talk to the girl again. Girl said that she saw the sea with no ships on it but some lights which meant that there was a city nearby. Mycroft thought that they had to make girl to drive the plane to the sea but not to the city due to it could kill more people.

Once they were cut off, Jane's face appeared on the screen. She was looking terrible and tired. There was a darkness around her eyes.

"Hello, guys. I am going to be your guide at next two tasks. How have you been since I haven't seen you? Have you missed me?" She said. Even if she tried to sound cheerful, it wasn't working. And it was clear that she was in deep grief.

"Frankly speaking, i haven't." John said.

"Oh, me too. Back to the matter in hand..." She said and they all looked at the coffin. "Problem: someone is about to die. It will cause a tragedy. So many days not lived, so many words unsaid, etc, etc, etc. And this will be their coffin. But whose? Sherlock start your deductions."

"Allowing for the entirely pointless courtesy of headroom, I'd say this coffin is intended for someone of about five foot four, which makes a woman more likely." Sherlock deduced.

"Not a child?" John asked.

"A child's coffin tends to be more expensive. This is in the lower price range, but the best available in that bracket." Sherlock answered.

"Well, that was a lonely evening on Google." John said.

"This is a practical and informed choice. The balance of probability is that this is for an unmarried woman, distant from her immediate family - again, suggested by the economy of the choice - acquainted with the processes of death, but unsentimental about the necessities of disposal. Additionally, the lining -" Sherlock said.

Mycroft walked over to the wall and took the lid of the coffin.

"Very good, Sherlock, but we could just look at the name on the lid." He said.

"You have got a perfect team spirit here" Jane said and got ignored.

The words 'I LOVE YOU' was written on the lid.

"So. It's for somebody who loves somebody." John tried to help.

"It's for somebody who loves Sherlock. It's all about you - everything here." Mycroft explained "So who loves you? I'm assuming it's not a long list."

"Irene Adler?" John asked.

Sherlock already knew the answer. But he had to wait for them to realise.

"Don't be ridiculous. Look at the coffin. Unmarried, practical about death, alone." He said.

"Molly. Molly Hooper." John said and felt like someone put a large and heavy stone on him.

The screen split to some pieces, showing Molly's home from different angles by camera probably.

"She is safe, right now. But who knows what will happen? Maybe after some minutes her flat will explode while she is inside." Jane said dramatically "And this possibility will become truth unless I hear the release code from her. Sherlock, you should phone her and make her say it."
"Say what?" John asked.

"Obvious, surely." Jane said.

"No." John said.
"Yes." Sherlock said and pointed to the plate on the coffin lid. Sherlock already had his phone out ringing Molly.

"Ough, I was about to forget." Jane said. "You are not allowed to mention the situation. You can't say that her life is in danger in any way. If you do I will have to stop her life and of course her life."

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