The Identity Of Jane Austen part 2

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"Yes, we do." Sherlock answered.

"Do we?" John asked and got ignored by Sherlock.

"Do you have any idea who I might be? I can't get in like this, I guess." Jane said. "He has hired me once."

"Ummm...Lady Elizabeth Smallwood?" Sherlock said.

John and Sherlock thought that Ms.Smallwood and Mycroft had a relationship after seeing her personal number on the Mycroft's table. So, Sherlock and John started grinning to his idea imagining the things that will probably happen.

"Picture? Video? Do you have any of them?" Jane asked.


After learning about the relationship between Ms.Smallwood and Mycroft, Jane decided that Sherlock and John should hide during their meeting and listen. So, she was alone on the doorway looking completely alike Elizabeth Smallwood waiting for Mycroft. The only thing that could be suspicious to Mycroft could be her suit which she didn't change despite Sherlock' insistence. He opened the door and said.

"Good evening, Ms.Smallwood." 

"Good evening, Mr.Holmes." Jane said getting into the home. Luckily, their voice was similar.

"Can I ask for the purpose of your arrival?" Mycroft said closing the door.John and Sherlock was going to get in from the back door.

"Do you politely ask me to leave?" Jane asked.

"I don't think you should change my words and understand them in a completely different way." Mycroft said.

"He's like a walking etiquette rules book." Jane thought and replied him with a smile.

"Wouldn't you get in?" Mycroft asked and they walked to the semidark living room to sit down at the armchairs facing each other.

"I wanted to talk about the last things you have lived. I mean with your sister." Jane said.

"Why would this interest you? I don't think you are connected with her somehow." Mycroft said coldly.

"This does interest me, because this is connected with you." Jane said.

Her words embarrassed Mycroft and he thought for some minutes before replying. 

"Thank you, for concerning about me as a colleague. Eurus is perfectly well. And she will be better in time."

"A very diplomatic answer. Sorry, but I should embarrass you a little more to entertain my partners." Jane thought.

"How about yourself?" Jane asked.

"Myself?" Mycroft asked.

"Yes, the things you lived wasn't easy." Jane said.

"I am good as usual, thanks for asking." Mycroft said.

"Are you sure? You know that I will be with you whenever you need." Jane said and took Mycroft's hand w+ich made him shift uncomfortably . "I heard some rumours that Eurus Holmes is being kept at the Sherrinford." 

"Unfortunately, it is true. We had to keep her there till she was healed." Mycroft said. "However we pay her usual visits and take care of her." 

"I wish you would take care of her and pay enough attention before she became psychopath." Jane said.

"What?" Mycroft was shocked to hear these words.

Jane was slowly taking her wig and makeup off. 

"Sherlock, John it is time." She said, Sherlock and John turned the light on to reveal themselves.

"Hello, brother mine." Sherlock said and John chuckled.

"What are you two doing?" Mycroft asked looking at them "Who are you?" He asked from Jane.

"Have you forgotten me?" She asked.

"Oh, aren't you Jane Austen?" Mycroft asked.

"Right on the mark." She said.

"What is going on here then?" Mycroft asked.

"She needs your help." Sherlock said.

"For what?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock retold Jane's story and answered his questions. Jane was already extremely bored from the conversation and was pacing around the room.

"Helping her means to burn our sister, Sherlock. And this is not something I would be able to do after my mistakes." Mycroft said.

"No it wouldn't. Your sister has proved to have a mental illness so that none would arrest her." Jane answered not letting Sherlock open his mouth.

"Well, yes, but-" Mycroft said.

"There is no but. Look, if I don't leave there by the morning I will be killed guards. For 'some' reason, they all hate me and are trying to kill me. You will solve this problem or will be a murderer." Jane told.

"I can't rely on a woman who carries a gun and takes drugs." Mycroft said and stood on foot. And depending on Jane's mimic Sherlock and John was sure that he made a terrible mistake.

She started laughing hysterically and then said looking into Mycroft's eyes.

"How surprising I carry a gun and take medicines, yes? I was being abused every day by my father while I was just a kid. I was watching my mother hopefully to make her to do something against this every time but seeing no response.  I was eating their leftovers to survive, walking miles and miles with no shoes on my feet and then working as a porter there. Then, they gave me a kid who they adopted to take care of even though I was just a kid. Once, she was grown up I had to defend her from my father and as a result I had more wounds. Calming her down by singing and drawing stars around her wounds was also my job, not eating and giving food to her was my coercion. Then what happened? When my father was inflicting me a skin mortification, he knocked over the heater burnt our home and my adopted sister Lisa. After years, when my dear parents was having an argument my father tried to beat my mother and helped her to come to herself. She hugged me for the first and last time in my life when my father went out ,hid me into the closet hearing the knock on the door and me promise to not to leave there. They argued, my father killed my mother with a knife and went away. I was sent to the girl's orphanage and wasn't able to protect myself from the girls as they were beating me as well. Later, I signed up to the self-defence course. They taught me ways to protect myself and for stoping my hands from trembling and being able to shoot with gun they sent to my childhood home. Surprisingly, I saw my father and he attacked me. To survive I killed him and hid his corpse." 

At this point seeing Mycroft's condition John tried to stop her, but she held her hand up to notify him to not talk and continued. 

"Then, at the age 18 I learnt with a letter that my mother was completely different woman, my father left her while she was pregnant, she died  giving birth to us: me and Jean and decided to give us to two different families before her death. With a letter I learnt all the things I lived was just because of a man's wishes. Later I found my twin, but had to leave her for her safety and got kidnapped. They tortured me in every possible way to hurt people but i didn't agree. They found Jean and threataned me with her. So, i had to act as a maniac criminal for years. Then to protect your brother from death i killed another man who was going to make him suicide by taking drugs. Later, Jane got killed because of me, I was arrested and being beaten to death. In conclusion, i don't carry gun, take medicines because i am a criminal mastermind. And for your information i killed two people; my father, for my security and a man for your brother, Sherlock's life as he was going to drug Sherlock." 

She completed her story, became aware of what she did and felt their stare on her. 

"You didn't hear anything today and I didn't say anything." She felt that her hands was trembling again and she decided to use balcony to get some air, pull herself together.

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