Glee, Actually 4x10

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Artie jumps back as out of nowhere Finn jumps forward and pins Blake against the locker causing a large crash to sound throughout the hallway. "Watch your mouth." He snarls. "There's a dumpster outside with your name on it if you want to keep talking."

Blake leans up to get in his face, "Suck my dick Hudson." She seethes.

Artie rushes forward and pulls Finn off of Blake, "What the hell is wrong with you guys? This isn't you. You sang Lady Gaga songs and you fell in love with her." Artie directs towards Finn. "No one ever knew what was going on between you two." He says quickly to Puck, referring to his relationship with Blake.

Noah then pins Artie against the locker, "Keep telling those dirty lies, and we'll break your friggin' legs."

"And I would never fall in love with that." Finn says disgustedly as he looks at Blake.

"Feelings mutual." She glares at the tall man. "Would never be with someone who can't get off unless they're wearing their letterman jacket." She insults.

"Don't make me do something I'll regret." He threatens, slamming his fist on the locker next to her head.

The rest of the football players walk away as Blake runs a hand through her hair frustratedly. Kurt glances at her, "I'm starting to think you like him getting in your face."

"Shut up Hummel." Blake snaps.

"Kurt, Blake, didn't you graduate?" Artie questions them both.

Kurt shrugs disappointedly, "I should've, but I couldn't bear coming to school more than twice a week, because of all the bullying. All the homeschooling set me back a year."

"What does Blaine have to say about that?" Artie wonders, knowing Blaine would never have let this happen.

"Who's Blaine?" Kurt looks at him confused.

"I couldn't graduate." Blake admits. "Coach Sylvester tried to recruit me for the Cheerios and when I turned her down, she made sure that I failed my classes so I couldn't graduate."

"Why didn't Mr. Schue help you?" Artie asks, still not believing how things could be so messed up.

"Mr. Schue?" Blake laughs as if that was the funniest thing in the world. "Why the hell would he help me? Dude's a drunk. Can't even tell that his kid is a baby doll. The only thing that he's good at is masking the alcohol on his breath when Figgins comes to evaluate him."

After this revelation, Artie runs off, determined to try to fix things. He goes to talk to Mr. Schue and he finds out that what Blake said was exactly right. Since there's no glee club, he became a drunk and is still married to Terri. Then he found Rachel in the library working as the librarian which had to be the most disturbing sight of all. After seeing all this, he knew he had to do something.

The boy walks outside, talking to Rory, trying to figure out a solution to all of this. "I just don't understand. Everything is so upside down."

"Well... not everything." Rory says, nodding his head over to the bleachers on the football field.

Artie looks over to where Artie gestured and watches Finn looking over his shoulder periodically, almost like he's paranoid someone is watching him. Artie tilts his head, "What is he doing?"

"Just wait." Rory tells him patiently.

Artie and Rory sit in silence for a moment until they notice a figure pop up behind Finn. Artie squints his eyes trying to make out who the mysterious person is.

"C'mon." Rory gestures for him to follow. "It might be better to get a closer look."

Artie tries to wrack his brain on who Finn could be meeting under the bleachers. As he follows Rory, they hide behind a large tree. "Don't worry, they won't see us from here." Rory reassures him.

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