Pilot 1x01

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The familiar beeping of an alarm went off waking Blake from her deep sleep and making her groan in annoyance.

"I get it, I get it, I'm getting up".

She lazily moves to her closet grabbing her favorite pair of baggy jeans, a gray shirt, and her favorite flannel. She grabs the hair brush off her vanity and runs it through her hair making sure to get rid of the frizz from her bed head. She flips off her reflection in the mirror and heads down the stairs to meet her brother and father in the kitchen.

"Good morning angry bird" her father greets her with a smile.

"Yea nice to see you too" Blake responds with exhaustion. She grabs a bowl and starts to pour herself some Captain Crunch.

"You know, I never thought the day would come where I'd be more energized for school than you" Derek says.

"Yea, well sophomore year tends to suck the energy out of you." Blake responds.

"C'mon it can't be that bad, I loved my sophomore year" Aaron tells her. "Did you have Rachel Berry in your sophomore year" he looks at her shaking his head in amusement "no? Didn't think so."

"Alright miss attitude I think it's time for you guys to get to school" her father says teasingly. Blake sighs but grabs the keys beckoning her brother to follow. Aaron kisses both his kids on the head as they go on their way. "Bye dad" both kids yell out as they shut the front door and head to school.

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Blake hops out of the car saying goodbye to her brother as he goes to meet up with his freshman friends. She puts in her headphones and presses shuffle on her favorite playlist and Complicated by Avril Lavigne starts to play. Quietly humming along as she walks she notices a bunch of football players about to throw a boy she thinks is named Kurt Hummel into a dumpster. Seeing as her Spanish teacher Mr. Schuester just walked by and bought the bullshit Noah Puckerman told him she decided to step in.

"Hey, why don't you Neanderthals go jack each other off somewhere else and leave him alone."

They all turn to face her in shock not knowing why someone would try to confront them. Puck quick to regain his composure smirks at her

"I mean maybe you could help us with that"

Scrunching her face in disgust Blake rolls her eyes "yea as much as I wish I could there's probably not enough for me to help with." Some of the boys quietly snicker, Puck not expecting that looks at the taller football player she thinks is Finn Hudson for assistance. But all Finn can do is shrug in amazement at the quick wit this girl has. Noticing how most of the guys are at a loss for words she walks up to Finn yanks Kurts jacket out of his hands and gives it back to Kurt. She links her arm through his and leads him away from the asinine football players.

"While I appreciate the fact you're my knight in shining flannel, why would you help me?" Kurt asks her.

"Well I wasn't gonna let them throw you in a dumpster. And considering the fact a teacher didn't even help you I thought it was time someone stepped in" she says as they walk into the school.

"Well thank you, I definitely appreciate it. I just feel bad because now your on their radar and could be the next victim to the dumpster assault."

Blake laughs, "trust me, I'm not to worried about it. I think I can handle a couple of asshole football players"

Kurt looks at her smiling; happy he finally found someone he can rely on.

"I'm Blake Henley by the way" she introduces.

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