The Role You Were Born To Play 4x05

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     Unfortunately, heading straight back to New York didn't exactly go according to plan. To her dismay, the flight got canceled. Thankfully, they refunded her money with flight points which gave her enough to fly back at the end of the week. She already reached out to Simon, Madame Tibideaux, and Ms. July to discuss her absence this week. Luckily, everything they are doing this week is something Blake can accomplish back in Ohio and present to them when she returns.

When she returned to her father's home, he and Derek were absolutely elated. When she went to find Finn, she didn't exactly stop by to see them... She felt terrible of course, but she felt like the Finn situation needed to be handled first.

Aaron and Derek happily accepted her into the house, telling her she could stay for as long as she liked. She had a wonderful night with them, all of them bundled in the living room watching movies together. It was a peaceful night after a train wreck of a day. She explained to them what happened with Finn, and both of them were saddened by the news, but they understood. Which she was very grateful for.

The next morning, Blake felt almost out of place. Like she didn't have anything to do. After a few moments of debating on what she could do, an idea sprang into her head. She whips out her phone and decides to call Mr. Schuester.

"Hello?" The man asks, not knowing who's number just called him.

"Mr. Schue, hey." She starts. "It's Blake!"

"Blake!" He exclaims with a happy laugh. "It's good to hear from you. How have you been?"

"Um, I've been better." She answers honestly. "But, I'm in town for the week and I was actually wondering if I could tag along this week in glee club?" She asks hopefully.

"Absolutely." The man answers with no hesitation. "We'd love to have you."

"Awesome." She smiles. "I'll see you then."

"Bye Blake."

"Bye Mr. Schue."


Walking through the hallways of McKinley high and towards the all to familiar door of the choir room. She did walk through these same halls yesterday, but seeing all of the new faces she never saw when she was in school, made her feel almost irrelevant. Like she hadn't been to high school in years.

Instead of poking her head through the regular door, she had come up with a sneaky idea. She was going to enter through Mr. Schue's office, in hopes of surprising her friends. She quietly walks through the dimly lit office and maneuvers smoothly into the choir room where all of her friends sit.

She giggles to herself as none of them seem to even be aware of her presence. She notices some new faces as well and takes a mental note to learn their names. She smoothly takes a seat directly behind Sam and Brittany who still have not seen her.

She hears mumbles between the rest of the group, discussing numbers from Grease and characters they would like to play. Blake's chest fills with warmth for a split second, knowing this musical suggestion had to have come from Finn. She then remembers they're no longer together and the warmth disappears.

She shakes off the sad feeling and slyly leans forward in between Brittany and Sam, "Boo!" She exclaims.

Both blondes jump in their spot, Sam to the point where he almost tumbled out of his chair. Brittany looks back and registers who is sitting in front of her and she gasps loudly, embracing Blake in a tight hug. Sam soon joins after regaining his balance.

"I can't believe you're here!" Sam exclaims happily.

That's when everyone's attention turns back and the rest of the upperclassmen glee members clamber up to the top row, joining Sam and Brittany in hugging her.

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