Prom Queen 2x20

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     Blake walks into the choir room with Santana, Brittany and Lauren. The latter currently freaking out about what she's going to do for her prom dress.

Lauren huffs, "I've been to Ann Taylor Loft, Filene's Basement, and, like, six Forever 21s and I can not find a dress that fits." She shakes her head, "I'm gonna be forced to make my own dress for prom."

"Don't." Brittany tells her, "You'll seem poor."

The quartet takes their seats as Santana looks at the girl, "You're up for Queen, you can't make your own prom dress. Prom is like our Oscars. It's seriously, like, the most important night of our lives."

Lauren creases her eyebrows, "What about getting married?"

Quinn leans forward, "Oh, you can get married as many times as you want. You only have one shot at your Junior Prom."

Blake shakes her head in amusement as Mercedes walks through the door, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Prom dresses." Blake answers.

"Thank God I don't have to worry about that." Mercedes sits down and crosses her arms, "I'm not going."

Kurt looks down at his friend, offended he didn't hear about this before. "Why not?"

Mercedes shrugs, " 'Cause nobody's asked me."

Mr. Schuester walks into the classroom and Blake looks at Mercedes, "You should still go to prom." Blake tries to convince her.

Mercedes frowns, "I don't want to."

Blake looks at her friend sympathetically. Blake sighs, but let's it go. She can see Mercedes doesn't want to talk about it so Blake knows better than to keep pushing a touchy subject.

Everyone turns their attention to Mr. Schue after he writes 'Prom' on the whiteboard. "Alright, guys – prom."

"Please tell me we're not doing songs about prom." Sam begs.

Mr. Schue shakes his head, "Nope – we are the prom. Figgins has asked us to perform."

Blake smiles excitedly, maybe this is another chance for her to perform an original. She has been feeling much more confident in her songwriting skills after the positive reaction at Regionals.

"Let's do Run Joey Run." Rachel blurts out.

Everyone goes silent and gives her a skeptical look. Blake tilts her head, "Let's not. It was a disaster the first time and I think I speak for everyone when I say we never want to think of that again."

"Truth." Artie nods.

"Now, I know this isn't ideal with Nationals coming up, but we really don't have a choice. And, we could really use the money. But I know that prom is a special rite of passage. I want to make sure that all of you guys get a chance to enjoy the dance, too." Mr. Schue explains, "So we're gonna stag the performances so that each and every one of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates."

Mercedes looks out upset, "Excuse me." She says as she leaves the choir room.

"Is she okay?" Mr. Schue asks, concerned.

Blake watches after her friend sadly, "Mercedes doesn't have a date for prom."

"So?" Brittany shrugs, "I don't have a date. I'm just going to dance. And then all of your dates are gonna ignore you and come dance with me, so...your dates are really my dates."

Blake laughs, "That's smart Britt."

Brittany smiles, "Thanks Blake." She gasps lightly, "You should dance with me too."

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