I Am Unicorn 3x02

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     "Alright, New Directions." Mr. Schue enters, clapping his hands. "Big news. As you all know, Vocal Adrenaline came in second last year at nationals."

"The only good thing to come out of that lost weekend." Finn says, staring off into space. Blake lightly hits Finn and his eyes go wide, "Besides you not breaking up with me for the kissing fiasco." He adds.

"Nice save." She teases.

"Sorry." He apologizes and quickly kisses her cheek.

"Well, the boosters at Carmel don't donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to come in second, so they fired Dustin Goolsby." Mr. Schue announces happily.

"So handsome." Artie mutters.

"That he was." Blake agrees.

"And they're having trouble finding a new coach. It seems that no-one wants to take on that pressure cooker."

"That means they're vulnerable." Tina puts together.

"Yes, and if we work hard enough, we can beat them. Which is why I realize that, umm, I can't direct the musical this year." He says with some hesitance, knowing some of them will be mad.

Rachel shakes her head alarmed, "No, Mr. Schue, you can't cancel the musical. My New York dreams depend on it." She upsetly looks at Ace who rubs her arm comfortingly.

"I'm not canceling it. I'm just not directing it. My sole focus has to be in here." He begins to speak passionately, "Nationals, Nationals, Nationals! And it's not just me that's gonna have to focus harder this year. I've been too easy on you, so everyday after choir practice I am instituting a mandatory Booty Camp." He rapidly writes the words on the white board, "So that we can work on our dancing. Now, it's not for all of you. Just the people that I think need help. Like-"

"Finn." Finn mutters.

"How did you know?" Mr. Schue asks, sarcastically. "And Puckerman, Hummel." He continues.

"I must protest." Kurt says, offended.

Mike looks over to the boy, "You kinda have one move, Kurt. It's like this sashay," He demonstrates, "and it's super distracting. "

"Jones." Mr. Schue adds.

"What? Hell to the nizzy - no."

"You told me once that you were Beyonce. You don't think she spends extra time in the dance studio?" He fires back, Blake Henley and Mike Chang have offered to be my assistants and we start tomorrow and yes, Puckerman," Mr. Schue addresses the boy who is raising his hand, "It is mandatory."

"Mr. Schuester, would  you mind if I dropped by for a little bit?" Blaine asks, "I really need to catch up with you guys."

"You should definitely come." Blake nods and Blaine smiles back at her.

"Okay, Mr. Schue, I'm glad that you're so concerned with our special-needs members, but what about me? Okay, who's gonna direct the musical?"

Mr. Schue smiles, "Ladies and gentleman, your co-musical directors. Ms. Pillsbury and Coach Beiste."

Blake immediately perks up at the sound of Coach's name. She watches as the woman walks in and immediately runs towards the woman, pulling her in for a hug.

"Woah there little missy." She chuckles, "I missed you too." She says, hugging Blake.

"I missed you so much." Blake laughs.

"Now, Ms. Pillsbury did such a good job helping me out with Rocky Horror last year that I knew she could handle the job." Mr. Schue says getting back on track.

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