Duets 2x04

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     After finding out that Kurt's dad had woken up, Blake has felt nothing but relief for the past couple days. She's been in and out of the Hummel household, whether it's to just visit or bring Burt healthy meals, at the request of Kurt.

The brunette looks over and starts talking to Ace, happy the two finally have a chance to catch up. "So, how's things been with Quinn?"

"They're going well. I'm thinking about asking her out tonight." He nods.

"About damn time." Blake playfully punches his arm. "How long has it taken you? Six years?"

"Four actually." He corrects.

"Wow, what a difference." Blake teases.

"What about you then hm?" He raises an eyebrow, "You ever gonna tell Finn that you've been hopelessly in love with him since-"

Blake slaps her hand over the boy's mouth, "Speak a little louder will ya? I don't think the dead could quite hear you." She says through her teeth. "Rachel is right there." She points a few seats away.

"Sorry." Ace says, quietly.

Blake chuckles at her friends obliviousness as Mr. Schue walks into the classroom. It's kind of weird how they are always here before him. Blake notices he has a look of apprehension on his face and knows whatever he's about to say isn't going to be good.

"All right, let's, uh, let's gather around. Sorry I'm late, guys. I was with Principal Figgins. Bad news, guys. Puckerman's in juvie."

"What the hell?" Blake exclaims.

Tina shrugs, "It really was just a matter of time."

"What did he do?" Quinn asks, clearly disappointed in the boy."

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM."

"Of course he did." Blake mumbles as Brittany and Santana laugh.

"And when is he getting out?" Rachel asks.

Mr. Schue sighs, "Unknown."

"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that's coming from me." Brittany says.

Blake shakes her head, "You're not dumb Britt."

"Awe, thanks Blake." She smiles.

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy." Mr. Schue reprimands.

Finn looks at his teacher frustrated, "For a guy who put his needs before the team's? We need his voice and his bad-boy stage presence."

Mr. Schuester shakes his head, "We can't look at this as, as a crisis. It's an opportunity."

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn asks upset, as Ace rubs circles on her back.

Mr. Schue gives them a big smile, "For welcoming our new member... Sam Evans!"

Sam walks in and Blake squeals, running down from her seat and embracing the boy. Finn clenches his jaw slightly but nonetheless greets the boy. "There he is. How's it going?"

Sam looks out to everyone, Blake still at his side and he smiles. "Hey, everybody. I'm Sam. ... Sam, I am. ... And I don't like green eggs and ham."

Santana raises her eyebrows, "Oh, wow. He has no game."

Blake looks over at the boy, "I think he's cute." She says, ruffling his hair.

"Okay! This is gonna be great." Finn says, separating Blake from the blonde boy, "You're not going to regret joining, Sam."

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