The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05

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     The familiar words of Don't Stop Believing ring through Blake's ears as she is singing backup for Quinn and Finn. She rolls her eyes in annoyance at the fact Rachel simply just up and quit... again. As she's singing she looks over at Quinn and notices how pale she looks.

"Quinn, you okay?" Mr. Schue asks the girl.

Then out of nowhere she runs out of the room.

Finn awkwardly looks at everyone and says, "I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito."

Blake raises an eyebrow not believing that story for a second. Then Kurt chimes in, "Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?"

"Your sexuality?" Santana snarks.

"Rachel. We can't do this without her."

"That's not true. We may have to layer Blake and Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but...we'll be fine." Their teacher reassures them.

"Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals and certainly not the regionals." Artie points out.

"Rachel left, guys. She's gone. If we want to make this thing work, we can't look back. Alright, take five minutes." Mr. Schuester says.

Blake walks back and sits in her chair, Puck joining her. "You know I think you can handle that solo."

The girl looks at him shocked, "What?"

"Quinn's solo. I think you can do it."

"Why do you say that?" Blake asks.

"You're an amazing singer. It's true Rachel has pipes, but she's not the only one who can handle it. I think Schuester should give you a chance. You deserve it." Then Puck walks away.

Blake looks at the retreating boy and thinks that maybe, just maybe he's right.
             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake and Ace are sitting in her room, Blake writing in her song book and Ace finishing his science homework that was due two days ago.

"I can't believe you still haven't finished that." Blake pokes fun at the boy.

"I can't believe it either. I've just been so caught up in the stupid Rachel drama I forgot about it."

"Why were you caught up in the Rachel drama?" Blake asks curiously.

"We'll, it was kind of weird. She walked up to me the other day before she quit glee and straight up asked me if she should. I didn't really know what to say and just let her ramble, then she decided she would quit and walked away from me. So, I kind of feel like it's my fault, and I've felt kinda guilty." Ace looks down sheepishly.

Blake laughs at the absurdity of the situation. "Dude, it's not your fault. She didn't even give you a chance to talk. She was dead set on that decision. So don't blame yourself."

Ace sighs, "I guess you have a point. I just don't want the club to crash this early on."

"It won't. We have good singers, we don't need Rachel all the time."

"You mean like you?"

"What do you mean?" Blake asks.

"You said we have good singers. I said like you?"

"I was thinking more about Mercedes, but yea I guess I'm pretty good." Blake says jokingly.

"You're a lot better than good and you know it."

"You know what's crazy? Puck said something similar to me today too." Blake says.

"Well looks like he's onto something. He's not just a dumb jock after all." Ace says laughing.

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