Grilled Cheesus 2x03

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     Blake wakes up in a very chipper mood for no particular reason. She walks over to her mirror and smiles at herself, ready to take on the day. She throws on a white tank top and puts a white off the shoulder sweater over it, and some light wash jeans. She leaves her hair in its naturally curly state and puts on some light perfume.

She happily walks down the stairs and a huge waff of chocolate chip pancakes floods her nose. "That smells good." She comments.

"Thanks honey." Venus replies.

"Mom." Blake says shocked, not expecting to see her mother up this early, let alone in the kitchen. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I thought I'd get up early and make you and your brother breakfast." She smiles, looking back at her daughter. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah." Blake nods, still not used to having her mom around. "Thank you." She says, taking the player her mom placed on the counter.

"Of course dear. Anything for my babies."

Blake quickly eats her pancakes, knowing if she delays any longer she'll be late to school. "Thanks for the pancakes mom, I'll see you later!"

"Drive safe sweetie!" Her mother waves.

Blake makes her way outside, getting her keys out of her backpack when suddenly a loud horn sounds. She immediately looks up and sees Kurt sitting in her driveway. "Come on." He smiles, "We're gonna be late!"

Blake chuckles at her friend and runs over to his car. She hops in the passenger side, "Were you planning on telling me you were coming to get me?" She smirks.

"Where's the fun in that?" He smiles "I just got done dropping my dad his breakfast, so I thought I'd bring you a little something." He says, handing her a smoothie.

"Kurt, have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"On the daily." He nods, "But I don't mind hearing it again." He chuckles.

"Well I love you."

Kurt smiles and puts his car in reverse and the duo heads off to school. Laughing and talking about the idiotic things that have been happening in their households. Kurt filled in Blake on his irritation with his father because Burt wants Kurt to come to a family dinner on Friday, but Kurt had already made plans to see the sing-along for the Sound of Music.

"Don't you think you can skip the sing-along?" Blake says shyly, sipping her smoothie.

Kurt scoffs, "It's a once a year event. No, I can't skip it." He shakes his head, "Plus we have dinners every week, it shouldn't be that big of a deal if I skip one."

"Kurt, that's your dad." Blake tries to reason. "The Sound of Music will forever be around to do sing-alongs to. Your dad won't be."

"It's one dinner Blake. It's not the end of the world."

"Well you said Finn and Carol were coming right? That's important. Which means you shouldn't miss it." Blake tries to convince her friend.

"I'm not going Blake. I'm not missing my sing-along!" He states firmly.

"Okay." She throws her hands up, "But If you do decide to go, just know I'm always willing to go with."

Kurt sighs and giggles, "Okay. I'll keep that in mind."

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Mr. Shue?" Finn says, raising his hand. "I have something to say." He eagerly gets up from his chair and looks at his classmates. "Something happened to me, and I can't really get into it, but it's shaken me to my core."

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