Mash-up 1x08

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Dave Karofsky makes his way down the hallway with a cold slushie resting in his hand. He walks past multiple terrified Glee kids, threatening to unleash the cold beverage on them.

Meanwhile, Blake is grabbing her books from her locker when she hears the familiar voice of Mercedes shout. "My weave!"

Hearing this Blake looks down the hallway and sees the familiar beverage cup making its way towards her. Hoping the hockey player doesn't notice her she sticks her head further behind her locker door. Luckily, he walks past her and she lets out a deep breath, when out of nowhere she hears Finn yell.

"What the hell Karofsky!"

Blake whips her head around and sees Finn with the cold drink dripping down his face, and pinning Karofsky against the wall.

"Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade when you made fun of me for getting pubes." He looks at Quinn and Finn smugly, "Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? It's open season."

"Screw you, Karofsky! You and your Neanderthal puck-heads are nothing!" Quinn yells, trying to back up Finn.

"You're gonna pay for this dude!"

He shakes his head smirking at the two, "No, I'm not. You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the new world order."

Anger floods through Blake's veins at the sight of two people she cares about being bullied. As Quinn escorts Finn away to clean him off, Blake follows after Karofsky.

She yells after him, "Karofsky!"

He turns around and looks confusedly at the girl. "Do I know you?"

She rolls her eyes, "Leave Quinn and Finn alone."

"Excuse me?"

"Do I need to dumb it down for you? Back off of Finn and Quinn." She growls at him.

He laughs at the brunette, "I don't know who you think you are, but you should watch your back. Or you'll be next." He threatens her and walks away.

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "You are an actual idiot." Ace says to his best friend. "Going after Karofsky was the dumbest thing you could've done. Like, do you want to get slushied?"

"Well, no. Not really. But I was just so angry. I wanted to do something to help them out." She looks over to the couple who's sitting by the drum set in the choir room.

"Look, I get it. I want to help them too." He glances over at the girl, "especially her. But we can't fix all of their problems. You have to understand that."

She looks across the room and makes eye contact with Finn. "I just don't want him to struggle."

"Okay, guys. We're a little behind for sectionals thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour. But you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups, right? And I'm gonna keep you guys fired up." Mr. Schue says as he walks in. "Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different, they don't feel like they go together. But the big difference between them is what makes them great." He pauses trying to think of an example, "Like... chocolate and bacon."

"Or glee club and football." Finn says, as Quinn cleans him off.

"Exactly. But you've proven that it is a great combination." He points out excitedly. "So... here is my personal favorite song." He hands out the sheet music to the group. "And your homework for the week is to find an unexpected mash-up to go with it."

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