chapter 34

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The fight

"Wake up, sleeping ugly. "

I couldn't find the motivation to open my eyes, feeling the warm covers on top of me. It took a couple of seconds for my senses to reunite with my body. Then it all came rushing back. It hit me really hard.

The fight is today.

I opened my eyes wide and saw Call in my door way, his arms crossed.

" Seriously life? You had nothing better me this morning?" I yawned, like I'd rather eat dog poop than get out of this bed and face the world.

Okay, maybe not.

"We let you sleep for an extra 3 hours while Jake trained, don't be a bitch. " He rolled his eyes, secretly amused.

"What time is it? " I asked, reaching for my phone on the night table.

"It's 11. "

Normal people would have heard " it's 11 " but not me. I heard " 10 hours before the fight. "That was all I could think about.

So many things had changed since the deal had been made in this dark alley. Looking back, it all seemed so damn stupid. That Teo would make a deal to piss Jake off and end up making friend with the girl he made the deal about. Or was it all just a game? I wasn't sure.

A couple of weeks ago, Teo looked like a monster and I truly hated his guts no matter how good looking he was.

And now...

Now, I feel like I'm going to witness two people that I care about beat up each other and I hate myself for it.

I really do..

I hate that I let myself get to the point of being torn between the two of them.

Jake is my family, my blood.

Teo was and remains the problem in this whole situation and I shouldn't feel this way about him.

But I do.

" earth to " Call shook his hand from left to right two centimeters away from my face.

Woah, when did he get this close to me?

"You're still here? " I jumped.

"Of course I'm still here dumbass. You didn't let me tell you the important part before you got lost into your troubled girl thoughts. "He mocked me.

"I'm sorry, you were saying? " I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Jake wants to talk to you before the fight. He has to show you some defence moves in case Teo wins and you end up having to stay with this bastard.

I nodded faintly. It took everything in me not to protest. I bit my tongue real hard to keep the words from coming out.

Teo would never hurt me...

I mean, not physically at least.

To them, it was Teo briones we were talking about.

They didn't know the same Teo as I did. This, assuming, that I ever knew the real him at all.

"Jump in the shower and join us downstairs right after, you got 20 minutes. " He winked and left without closing the door.

I hate when people walk into your room like they own the place and don't close the door when they leave. Now I have to burn calories and do it.

I sighed and finally got up after a while of laying there, with my eyes glued to the ceiling.

What am I doing with my life?

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