chapter 30

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"I didn't know you to be such a romantic, Teo. Beach date and all." I giggled.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, love." He smiled.

"Oh trust me, I'm aware of that." I chuckled.

It had been exactly two hours since we had arrived to the beach. Teo and I had been saying stupid things for an hour and a half. I couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to this guy. It felt like I had known him forever.

We had been laughing and talking about random things and we didn't see the time pass.

Pretty crazy how nice this guy can be when he's not playing the street gang leader.

"This one looks like a purse."

"What? How is that a purse?" He cracked up, mocking me.

"I've never been good at constellations, okay?" I laughed, shaking my head from left to right.

"Wait, It's almost time." He said, glancing at the time on his phone. We stayed silent and opened our eyes widely. A few seconds passed and then it happened. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I was mesmerized. Literally.

Next thing I know, I felt a warm hand on mine...

Teo's hand.

I stopped breathing.

A million thoughts crossed my mind. I knew I had to remove my hand. I had to do something. Show a reaction, any reaction. But I couldn't.

I immediately turned my head and our eyes met.

He was staring at me. He was totally

missing the comet.

"You know when you asked me to stop being cute?" He smirked.

"Yeah." I whispered..

He leant in and my heart stopped beating.

"You first."

He was staring at my lips. I had to do something, move away. He slowly leant in and soon enough, his lips were two centimeters away from mine. He was so close, I felt his breath on my skin. Before I Could move away, his arms had circled my waist and he had pulled me closer. He then proceeded to place his hand on my cheek and gently rub it with his thumb.

Then, the inevitable happened. His lips collided with mine as I stopped breathing. He was kissing me softly, lightly brushing off my lips with his. His soft lips drove me crazy. Before I knew it, I found myself kissing him back. He smiled against my lips the second I gave into the kiss. It was like we both refused to let go because if we did, we would be brought back to reality. Brought back to this world where we knew we couldn't be together.

Then, reality caught up to us.

His phone rang. Teo cursed under his breath and pulled away. He gave me a sorry look and picked up the phone. I just sat there, staring at the sea with empty eyes.

I just kissed my cousin's enemy.

The ultimate manwhore, according to the boys.

Technically, he kissed me.

But I wanted to kiss him.

It was obvious now I had been lying to myself.

There is no going back.

I like Teo briones.

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