chapter 28

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"I can't believe you didn't tell them about me, babe. I thought we were official." He pretended to be
offended, amused by all this.

I can't believe that I almost.

Missed this guy.

"Come on, give me your coat. Welcome to my home. I'm Maria." She got up and Teo smiled, taking off his leather jacket and letting her grab it.

'I'm Teo. Thank you so much."

Jake looked at me like he wanted to rip my head off and I made a sorry face.

It wasn't my fault.

"What are you doing, babe? No kiss? He smirked like the devil himself.

Maria and everyone looked at me,
waiting for a reaction...

"Sure. I just need to show you this thing first, babe. " I spit the word babe, still faking my smile. "What thing?" He acted confused.

"You know, that thing that I talked to you about the other day. " I widened my eyes like -shut the fuck up, just go with it

"Aren't you eating with us?" Maria asked, disappointed.

"We'll be back. Start without us." I hurried up to grab Teo's arm and started walking towards my room, dragging him.

We walked into the room and I shut the door immediately.

"Are you out of your mind?" I said, furious.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't miss such an opportunity to piss Jake off." He laughed.

" Do you realize what you've done? You can't just show up whenever you want to.. Especially not now. You can't just invite yourself.. "I exclaimed.

"I was just in the area and I thought it had been a while. " He took a step closer.

Yes, it has.


I stepped back, he stepped closer, smiling.

"Thanks, I noticed. "

"God, you're sexy when you're mad. " He bite his lower lip, mocking me.

"You're gonna tell them something came up and you have to leave, am I clear? " I pushed him a little but he didn't move.

"And miss all the fun? Come on, babe." He pouted

"I won't ask again."

"Under one condition. " He said, smiling adorably.

I wish he was ugly


"If I leave now, you spend the night with me." He said shyly.

Wait? Shyly? His shy expression disappeared in a second and the cocky guy was back.

"In your dreams. Perv."

" Oh come on, I didn't mean it like that. There's something I wanna show you. It only happens tonight. Please?" He smiled and gave me the puppy eyes.

I stayed silent for a while,

considering this...

If I could save my cousin's dinner, it was worth it..

" Fine."

A victorious smile appeared on his face.

We were about to walk out of my room when I had a flash..
"Why did you come back?"

I know the question should've been.. What happened to you the last weeks? But I didn't really care...

"I told you I was in the area. "

I nodded and looked away...

The guy really didn't care. He was just a lonely bad boy, dying for company. What the hell was I thinking..

"And..." He added.

I looked up, hating myself for secretly hoping that the heartless boy would ease my soul by showing me I wasn't the only one who cared..

"Maybe I missed you."

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