chapter 9

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" you're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas "

I woke up with this headache. Clearly, I was not used to drinking. I glanced around and it took me couple of seconds to remember where I was and how I got there. There was no noise at all. The house seemed empty. I got up and walked out of the room I slept in.

Maybe Teo lied and left?

I went downstairs. Still nobody in sight.

"You must be Y/n."

I jumped and turned around quickly, seeing a guy with a familiar smirk staring at me. He was sitting on the couch. How did I not see him?

I nodded, not sure how to act.

"I'm scott. Teo's my baby bro." He laughed at my facial expression.

Yeah, definitely in the same family those two.

"Oh, hi." I said nervously "Thank you for letting me stay the night."

"Why are you thanking me? Teo lives here. He can invite who he wants" He mocked me.

Way to sound dumb as hell.

"Right, sorry." I forced a smile.

"No problem." He smiled "Teo's gone. He left you a note." He handed a piece of paper to me.

"I'm at the gym, love. Back in an hour. Wait for me."

Really? This isn't some kind of sleepover Teo. Sticking around for breakfast wasn't part of the plan. I sighed. I wasn't going to wait. Maybe I could call Jake and fill him in.

Crap. Where was my phone ?

"Have you seen my phone?" I asked, feeling stupid. How could he know where my phone was?

"Yeah, Teo took it while you were sleeping. He said it was just in case you wanted to call someone." He smirked.

Ugh, damn it.

"I don't know exactly where I am but I think I'll just walk." I turned away.

"Not so fast. Teo told me to make sure you stayed here until he returned. I can't let you go." He got

"What am I? A hostage?" I said joking. Or not.

"Look, I don't know what my brother wants with you and apparently since you don't either, why not stick around and find out?"

He had a point. I sighed. Teo's big brother was my babysitter.

"So do you live with your parents?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Of course not. It's only Teo and I."

"Oh." I nodded. Oh was also code for I have no idea what to say but I need to say something before it gets awkward.

"My turn to ask questions. What exactly are you to my brother?"

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you his friend? Friend with benefits?"

I made a weird face when he said friends with benefits. Even the word friend sounded like too much.

"I don't know, to be honest." I shrugged.

"Do you know about what he does?" He asked, unsure.

"If you mean the gang thing, yes."

"Cool. I thought I'd have to make up shitty stories with you." He sighed relieved.

"Why are you still here ? Aren't you scared?" He added.

"If by that you mean, do you feel like you're walking on a string all the time, yeah, I'm scared."

"You're funny. I like you." He chuckled.

Scott looks a lot like an older version of Teo but with green eyes. They have a similar smile but I have to admit Teo is hotter. Scott looks like he's 22 or something.

"So why did he take you to his place?"

I stayed silent. Wow, people in that family me?"

"Wanted you? Why is that?" His expression became colder.

"Well, not long ago I followed my cousin to a meeting and.."

"Of course, you're that east side gang girl." He cut me off.

Crap. Maybe I should've shut up?

"Look, I don't know what the fuck is happening to Teo and why he hangs out with the enemies but this is not going to happen again, do you hear me?" He got up and walked towards me quickly.

"I... I didn't mean to get involved with Teo." I said nervously.

"Oh really? Let me guess, this is some trick that Jake is pulling on us huh? Sending his cousin to screw us over? Hell no." He pushed me violently and my back hit the wall. Next thing I know, his strong hand was surrounding my neck. He was choking me.

Wow, violence is a family thing I see.

"You stay the fuck away from my brother, am I making myself clear? And get the fuck out of my house." He barked, so close to my face I couldn't breathe anymore. He let go of my throat and I couldn't help but cough like crazy.

With tears in my eyes, I nodded quickly and passed by him, heading for the door. Damn it, I didn't mean to cry but I don't know, violence and fear quickly and passed by him, heading for the door. Damn it, I didn't mean to cry but I don't know, violence and fear do that to me. I had trouble breathing.

I had to leave this town.

No, I had to leave this damn country.



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