chapter 32

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I woke up the next morning and one thought immediately crossed my mind...

"1 day before the fight. "

Mariah had just left for work. The sound of the door swinging closed woke me up. But for the first time in a pretty long while, the house was dead silent. I could hear the cars outside and the birds. Aera had been sleeping at a friend's house since Teo showed up at the fake girlfriend dinner. She said she no longer felt safe and blah blah blah. You know Aera.

Yup, the loneliness was here to stay.

I grabbed my fluffy blue nightgown and headed downstairs dragging my feet. I was dying for coffee.

"We should get a cat around here. Would be a lot less depressing." I thought to myself.

I checked my phone for messages and I stayed surprise at the sight of an unknown number. I had received a message yesterday at 11:50. I remembered running away from Teo after our fight at that time.

I clicked on the message and realized it was the same number who sent me those creepy messages when the guys and I went to pick up Nicole.

"How ironic that you would want to push away the only person who cares. Enjoy the time you have left and watch out for the scars. "

I just stood there, reading the message over and over again. I was freaking out but mostly I was clueless and that was the worst part.

I couldn't stop thinking about the last sentence..

"Watch out for the scars."

What the hell was that supposed to mean? What scars?

Maybe this person had the Or maybe I had a stalker wrong number

Yeah, I really like option one better.

Because option number two would mean.. That Teo and I were being watched

yesterday when we were out in the open

like two idiots.

I didn't know what to do. Call the boys and let them know I was with Teo last night by showing them the text? Mmm.. Not so sure.

And it's not exactly like I could call Teo to let him know either. Not after the fight we had on the street.

How to put yourself in a shitty situation by lying your ass off written by y/n Kingston.

Like life wanted to mess with me, my phone rang the same exact second.

It was Alexander.

I cursed in my head. I took a deep breath and finally gathered every ounce of courage I had to pick up.


"Well, hello, little miss I sleep until it's 4 pm. We've been trying to reach you. "I recognized call's usual arrogant voice.

"What? You didn't.. " I looked at my phone and noticed the 4 missed calls. Damn, I really don't get this crappy phone.

"I'm sorry. I was exhausted. It's not even 11 yet, stop exagerating. "I rolled my eyes.

"Oh stop the excuses, you were chikabowing, admit it. Who's the lucky guy? "I could imagine him wiggling his eyebrows.

Chikabowing? Will and his weird sex inuendos.

Give me that." I recognized Alex's voice.

I heard a lot of noises and voices in the background. I could imagine them fighting for the phone and I couldn't help but smile.

" Hello, Winter? Sorry about that." Alex had won the fight, apparently.

"Call, don't eat that. It's for my sister's school. "I heard Alex say.

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