chapter 10

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"Where the hell were you?"

I jumped, turning around. I spotted Jake. He had his arms crossed, waiting for me on the couch.

"I was at a friend's place." I tried a lie but knew it wouldn't get me far.

"Wow, are you seriously trying to lie right now?" He let out a bitter laugh "You were with Teo, weren't you?" He hissed, anger flowing out of him.

"How do you know?"

“ I am a gang leader. I have my sources." He said angrily "Are you okay?"

"I've been better but I'm alive, aren't I?" I tried to walk around him but he caught my arm

"You could've called. I was worried sick." He spun me around, forcing me to look at him.

"Teo took my phone."

"You slept at his place?" He frowned.

"I didn't really have a choice, did I?" I said, annoyed.

"Stop being so rude Y/n. You could've died last night." He barked.

"And you don't think I know that?" I barked right back.

"I'm sorry. I think.." He paused "I think I'm mad at myself." He shook his head, sighing.

"Why? For leaving me all alone at the party? Or for not telling that some gangs were after me?"

"You know about the gangs?" He bite his lower lip, clearly feeling guilty.

"Yeah, Teo told me."

"I never wanted this Y/n. I should've protected you better. I should've known--"

He paused abruptly.

"What is this?" He said, staring at my neck.

"What is what?"

"Your neck. Oh my god." He brushed hair off my neck and his fists clenched.

I ran to the closest mirror and my jaw dropped. Scotts hands mark had printed on my neck. So much about getting away with everything huh?

"Who?" He said through gritted teeth, so tense I was scared he'd explode and wreck the house.

"It was scott." I hardly swallowed saliva. My throat was so dry.

"WHAT?" He shouted.

"THIS BASTARD STRANGLED YOU?" He was out of his mind.

"Calm down please. You'll wake them up." I begged, worried about Mariah and Aera.

"I don't give a single fuck Y/n. My cousin's been strangled by my enemy. I'm going to-."

He punched the wall, anger flowing out of him. Suddenly, he grabbed his phone and texted someone.

"What are you doing?" I asked, nervously.

"I'm texting you."

"But I don't have my phone. Teo does."


He hit the button " send " and I took his phone out of his hand.

He hit the button " send " and I took his phone out of his hand

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Since I have no idea when I'll get my phone back, let's stop for second and thank the lord that my phone is locked.


"What about those heels?"

Do I look like a girl who wears heels? Honestly?

"I tried walking in heels once. I made a new friend. The floor." I faked excitement.

"They're so pretty." Aera moaned.

"Maybe but they hurt my feet. I tried yesterday at the party. It's not worth it" 'Is hook my head disapproval.

"Think of how sexy you'd look." She insisted.

"I don't care. Heels were invented by men to make sure women couldn't run away. It makes us the weak sex. Keep that in mind." I rised my finger up like a teacher.

Writer's note: To everyone giving me a history lesson about where heels truly came from. I know and I love you

me giggle.

We're at the mall right now and Aera has been trying to get me to try on pretty dresses and heels and girly stuff. I'm not a tomboy. I just don't see the point to making myself uncomfortable by wearing tight short dresses and heels to catch a guy's attention. Who cares about those ? They have the intelligence of a wallpaper.

Seriously girls, Wake up. You can do better!

"So, about the party." She finally asked the burning question

"What about it?" I played the innocent

"I heard you slept at you know," It was like she wouldn't dare say his name.

"You can say his name you know. He's not voldemort or something." I said, amused.

"Teo." She said unsure

"Yep. I did."

But it's not what it looks like. It's actually a funny story. My life was in danger you see. That's why mister bad boy had to save my ass. And in the end, I didn't get to have breakfast in bed, I got strangled by Teo's brother. God, if she knew.

"What's the deal with him Y/n ? He's dangerous." She frowned

"No shit sherlock." I mocked her.

"Hey, I am not joking."

"Neither am I."

"Yeah, you are. You're not taking me seriously. Teo has no soul."

"Wow. That's being evil." I found myself amused by her drama queen comments.

"Stop it inter. You must not talk to him." She insisted, angry.

"I do not intend to." I shrugged.

"Yeah but you're hanging out with Jake and his friends and they're involved in some stuff."

It's funny how I'm supposed to act like I don't already know about everything she's telling me.

"Some stuff?"

"Yeah, bad stuff."

"Chill aera. I'm not one of these girls who go crazy over bad boys. You see I'm one of the girls who actually don't enjoy when a guy doesn't give a crap about them. Yeah, we do exist." I smiled, amused

"Fine. I trust you. But I got one question to ask. Do you know what happened yesterday? Like why did everyone run in panic?"

"Cops." I shrugged, looking away

"That's what people told me but there were gunshots Y/n. Police officers don't randomly shoot."

"Did anyone get hurt?" I tried to hide my worries


"Then what are you worrying about?The gunshots were probably in order to scare the drunk ass people away." I lied.

I bite the inside of my mouth, tasting my lies. The truth is : The gunshots were to kill me.

I like my version better.


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