chapter 19

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" please.
Dance with me in the dark "

What the hell was he doing there. He had his arms crossed and he was waiting for god knows what.

"Why the hell is he there? Is he trying to expose Jake?" Call said through gritted teeth.

"I don't think so. Let me talk to him. I got this." I said, unbuckling.

"Oh right, because he's got a crush on you, I forgot." Call rolled his eyes.

All the guys thought he was just using me to get to Jake and honestly, I didn't know if they were right. I got out of the vehicle and made my way to him quickly. When he saw me, a smile appeared on his face.

"Your friends didn't want to say hi?" He said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here, Teo?" I asked him, confused.

"I just came to give you your cousin's phone back. My brother wanted to use it against him but I stole it because I thought we had enough going on already. By the way, what's up with hanging up on people, young lady? You're lucky that my brother doesn't understand what the stupid nickname Jake's wrote for you on his phone means. He would've known it was you."

My heart stopped. I had thrown my phone away.



" I-I threw my phone in the river because they thought there was a gang who could have tried to locate me. " I said, colors draining from my face.

Teo stayed silent and then, he bursted out in laughter.

"Screw you." I hit him in the arm, upset.

"You're such a fail, Y/n." He couldn't stop laughing.

"Thank you very much. Anything else you need to say or did you just come to give a phone back and then insult me?" I turned away but he caught my arm.

"I came here because I wanted to see you," He said like that was a normal thing to say.

I froze.

"Well, you saw me, now have a good day." I giggled. What's up with the nervous laugh, Y/n?

"Are your watchdogs scared I'm going to rape you in your driveway or something?" He chuckled, glancing at the car.

I turned my head and motionned to them that it was okay. Call looked at me with this expression who meant " are you sure ? " I nodded and they finally accepted to leave. The car left in a roar.

"Oh so you trust me, huh?" He smirked.

"I don't. I really don't." I let out."But because don't trust you doesn't mean I'm in danger."

"Oh, so you feel safe with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows, stepping closer.

I stepped back, not knowing what else to do. He kept on stepping closer and kept on stepping back, until my back hit something. Aeras car.

Mariah had probably given her a ride in the morning. Oh the joy!

"I liked our date yesterday." He said, looking into my eyes.

Trying to seduce me again I suppose, ugh.

"It wasn't a date." I spat.

"Of course, it wasn't." He smirked.

Smirking, that's all he does.

"Do you have to be such a guy? The smirking thing, cocky attitude and flirty looks. It's getting old, you know? How about you start acting normally?" I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

My words apparently caught him off guard. He made a face, surprised.

"You wanna see the real me?"

"Not especially but if you're going to randomly show up at my house without a warning, I'd rather not deal
with your wanna-be player attitude."

He handed me a helmet and started his motorcycle.

"As you wish, love." He said, amused.

"Wait, where in my sentence did I say I wanted to go somewhere with you?" I shook my head in disapproval.

"Where in my sentence did I say I was giving you a choice?" He smirked.

I was just standing there with my arms crossed, clearly not getting on that thing again. He just kept on staring at me. After a while of feeling his insistant eyes on me, I just had no choice but to obey.

There's something about this guy that makes it impossible to say no.

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