Chapter 83

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Harry's POV
The train had reached the station at last. Fred and George helped us to Hagrid, who was the gatekeeper and the Care of Magical Creatures professor, as he had obtained the degree after Dumbledore left the school premises.

He gathered all the first year students.

Fred and George hugged Draco and said they would be waiting at the Slytherin table for him and walked towards the carriages.

Since Molly was gone, Fred, George, and Percy showed their true colors. The twins got into Slytherin, and Percy got into Ravenclaw.

Hagrid took us to the lake and asked us to get into the boats. As all four of us got into it, the boats started moving towards Hogwarts on the Black Lake.

I know I have seen Hogwarts like that before, but she is still magnificent, and there is no doubt about it.

When we got off the boats, Hagrid led us to the stairs where Professor Flitwick was waiting for us.

"Welcome, students. I am Professor Filius Flitwick. I will be guiding you inside the hall. You will be assigned your houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Your house will be your family. Now, form a line and come along." He said as he turned around and walked into the hall as the doors opened.

When we got inside, I could see Fred, George, and Percy smiling at me.

When we reached the head table, I heard small gasps. I didn't need to see who it was, I knew it was Nev, Draco, and Ron.

"You never told us about this." Draco whispered.

I just looked at him and gave a smirk and looked at all the professors at the head table.

Severus took over as Head of house Slytherin and potions Professor since Slughorn wanted to retire. Moiz took over as Defense Professor.

They changed the subject name from 'Defense Against Dark Arts' to 'Defense' for the curse to be gone.

Professor Flitwick was made Deputy Headmaster, and still had his role as Head of House Ravenclaw and Charms Professor. Professor Sprout was still the Hufflepuff head of house and Herbology Professor. Professor McGonagall became the headmistress after she had gone through the purge.

A new professor was sitting beside McGonagall, and she must have been the Transfiguration Professor and head of house Gryffindor.

Thankfully, Trelawney was kicked out, and instead, we have Pandora Lovegood as our Divination Professor. After we knew how to stop Pandora's death, we stopped it, and Neville and Luna bonded instantly, so they came home to visit us at times.

Professor Vector was still around teaching arithmancy. Professor Sinistra was the astronomy professor.

Professor Binns was exorcised, and someone else taught History of Magic now. Hagrid was also at the head table.

Professor Bathsheda Babbling still taught the study of ancient runes. Professor Hooch was still there to teach Flying and be the referee for interhouse Quiddich games.

Instead of Alecta Carrow, someone else taught Muggle studies now, which is a compulsory course for all children who grew up in the magical world so that they can adapt to muggle situations.

They also introduced new subjects like Basics of the Magical World, which was a compulsory course for all muggleborn and students who grew up in the muggleworld despite having a magical origin. Another subject was warding.

"Granger Hermione." Professor Flitwick called. When she walked to the chair, Professor placed the hat on her. "Ravenclaw." The hat screamed a moment later. She happily went and sat beside a girl who was placed in Ravenclaw.

"Longbottom Neville." Professor Flitwick called out. When Neville walked out of the group at sat on the chair, the hat immediately shouted, "Hufflepuff." The moment it was put on his head. He walked to the Hufflepuff table and sat down.

"Malfoy Draco." Professor Flitwick called out.

When Draco walked to the chair, Professor Flitwick placed the hat on his head. The immediately shouted, "Slytherin." Draco walked to the Slytherin table and sat between Fred and George.

"Potter-Black Harry." Professor Flitwick called out. As I walked to the chair, all eyes were on me. When the hat was placed on me, it said in my mind, "Ah, came back in time. So, you already know where you will go. Do not reject me this time." And shouted, "Slytherin." Most of the students were shocked. All my parents were from Gryffindor and I landed in slytherin. I calmly walked to the Slytherin table and sat beside George, who congratulated me.

At last, Ron was also called. He was put in Hufflepuff. He happily went and sat beside Neville.

Headmistress McGonagall rose from her chair and said, "Welcome to all first year students, and welcome back to the rest. I wish that in the coming years here, you will gain friends and those you feel as family. We have two new professors this year as the potions and defense professors as Professor Slughirn and Professor Barns decided that they would retire and enjoy their life." And sat down.

Severus got up and said, "I am Severus Prince-Snape, your Potions Professor and Head of House Slytherin." And sat down. The students gave a round of cheers. Looks like Sev was welcomed by most people.

Moiz stood up and said, "I am Moiz Slytherin-Gaunt. I shall be your defense professor from this year on." And sat down. He got a bigger round of applause. Looks like he has gained a lot of popularity after the sessions of Wizengamot, where he fought for the implementation of his original ideals.

"Harrykins, don't let your mates slip out of your eyes sight. Many girls are eying them  as if they are prey." George whispered to me.

"They know not to waver George." I said with a smirk.

George simply smiled. He knew that I was more dangerous when I got jealous. Moiz and Severus must have figured out what happened and gulped, remembering what happened a month ago when a middle-aged woman tried to give them a love potion. Though Sev and Moiz figured there was potion in it, they knew not to reject a glass of wine from a lady and took it.

What she didn't know was that I had taken the Heir ring to house Emrys and Lefay, along with Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Potter, Prince, and Black. I just walked and stood beside them after I saw that they took the glass from her with my Emrys and Lefay rings on display, telling her that I could literally banish her from magical Britain if I were to see her again with my mates.

"We will be careful." I heard Moiz say in my mind, through the connection of the soul bond.

"You better be." Mortem warned him through the link they shared through me.

When dinner was done, we were asked to follow the prefects and go to the dorms.


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